SEO tips for small businesses: 10 ways to rank higher

In the vast digital landscape, small businesses often struggle to make their mark. However, with the right SEO strategies, your business can not only compete but also thrive online. At Tom&Co, we understand the unique challenges faced by small business owners, which is why we’ve curated these 10 essential SEO tips to help you rank higher and attract more customers.
Keyword Research and Strategy
1. Understanding Long-Tail Keywords: Targeting Specific Customer Needs – Conducting in-depth research for long-tail keywords that align with your services.
2. Local SEO Keywords: Optimizing for Local Searches – Incorporating location-specific keywords to capture local market interest.
On-Page Optimization
1. Optimizing Meta Titles and Descriptions: Crafting Click-Worthy Meta Tags – Creating compelling meta titles and descriptions to enhance click-through rates.
2. Header Tags and Content Structure: Enhancing Readability and SEO Friendliness – Organizing content using appropriate header tags for a seamless user experience.
Mobile-Friendly Website
1. Responsive Design: Catering to Mobile Users – Ensuring your website design is responsive and user-friendly across various devices.
2. Mobile Page Speed Optimization: Speeding Up Mobile Loading Times – Optimizing images and scripts to enhance your website’s speed on mobile devices.
Quality Content Creation
1. Engaging and Informative Content: Building Authority through Valuable Content – Creating engaging blog posts, videos, and infographics to inform and entertain your audience.
2. Multimedia Integration: Enhancing User Experience with Visuals – Incorporating high-quality images, videos, and infographics to make your content more appealing.
Backlink Building
1. High-Quality Backlinks: Building Credibility Through External Links – Earning backlinks from reputable websites within your industry.
2. Local Backlinks: Building Community Connections – Partnering with local businesses and organizations for mutually beneficial backlinks.
Social Media and SEO Synergy
1. Social Media Signals: Amplifying SEO Efforts Through Social Engagement – Sharing content across social platforms to increase visibility and engagement.
2. Social Media Sharing: Encouraging User Participation – Encouraging your audience to share your content, amplifying your reach.
User Experience and Technical SEO
1. Website Navigation and User Interface: Creating an Intuitive Experience – Designing a user-friendly website layout and easy navigation.
2. Technical SEO Audits: Regularly Checking for Errors and Improvements – Conducting technical SEO audits to fix issues and improve website performance.
Monitoring and Analytics
1. Google Analytics: Leveraging Data for Informed Decisions – Utilizing Google Analytics to track website traffic, user behavior, and conversion metrics.
2. Keyword Ranking Tools: Keeping an Eye on Your Rankings – Using keyword ranking tools to monitor your position and stay ahead of the competition.
By implementing these 10 SEO strategies, your small business can not only enhance its online presence but also connect with a wider audience. Remember, SEO is an ongoing process that requires dedication and expertise. At Tom&Co, we specialize in helping small businesses navigate the intricacies of SEO. Let’s work together to elevate your digital presence and drive your business toward sustained success.

Ready to elevate your online visibility and attract more customers? Contact Tom&Co today! Our team of SEO experts is here to assist you in implementing these strategies and achieving your business goals. Let’s embark on this SEO journey together and watch your small business flourish in the digital realm!

Which Is Better for a Small Business: SEO or SEM

In the digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for small businesses. However, the decision between investing in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) or SEM (Search Engine Marketing) often perplexes business owners. At Tom&Co, we understand the dilemma and are here to shed light on the matter, guiding you toward the best choice for your business’s success.
Understanding SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
A. Definition and Principles: SEO Unraveled for Organic Search Rankings and Credibility B. Benefits for Small Businesses: Exploring Long-Term Visibility, Trust Building, and Cost-Efficiency C. Challenges and Timeframe: Patience and Persistence – The Keys to Reaping SEO Rewards
Understanding SEM (Search Engine Marketing)
A. Definition and Principles: SEM Decoded – Instant Visibility Through Paid Advertising B. Benefits for Small Businesses: Immediate Impact, Targeted Audience Reach, and Measurable ROI C. Challenges and Costs: Weighing the Initial Investment Against the Competitive Edge Gained
Factors Influencing the Decision
A. Budget Constraints: How Finances Impact the Decision-Making Process B. Business Goals: Aligning SEO and SEM Strategies with Specific Business Objectives C. Competition Analysis: Assessing Market Competition to Make an Informed Choice
Pros and Cons Comparison
A. SEO Pros: Enhanced Organic Traffic, Trust Building, Sustainable Growth B. SEO Cons: Time-Intensive, Requires Patience, Results Take Time to Manifest C. SEM Pros: Immediate Visibility, Targeted Audience, Measurable Results D. SEM Cons: Initial Investment, Ongoing Costs, Competition Challenges
When to Use SEO
A. Brand Building: Establishing Credibility and Trust Over the Long Run B. Stable Niche: When Your Business Operates in Non-Fluctuating Industries C. Limited Budget: Cost-Effective Strategies for Businesses with Budget Constraints
When to Use SEM
A. New Business Launch: Gaining Quick Visibility for Brand Awareness B. Seasonal Promotions: Utilizing SEM for Short-Term Marketing Campaigns C. High Competition: Securing Fast Visibility in Saturated Markets
A. Recap of SEO and SEM: Understanding Their Merits, Limitations, and Appropriate Use Cases B. Making Informed Decisions: Empowering Small Business Owners to Choose Wisely Based on Their Goals C. Call to Action: Reach Out to Tom&Co for Personalized Guidance – Your Success Starts Here!

Ready to Propel Your Business to Digital Success? Contact Tom&Co Today! Our Expert Team Will Tailor Strategies That Align Perfectly With Your Business Goals, Whether Through SEO or SEM. Let’s Elevate Your Online Presence Together!

Unlocking the Power of SEO and SEM: Essential Strategies for Small Businesses

  • In the digital age, small businesses face a competitive landscape. The key to standing out? Embracing the power of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing). At Tom&Co, we believe in empowering small businesses with the knowledge and strategies needed to thrive online. In this post, we’ll unravel the invaluable benefits of SEO and SEM, showing you why these tools are indispensable for your business’s growth.
    Understanding SEO: Building a Strong Foundation
    Organic Traffic Boost: SEO isn’t just about clicks; it’s about attracting the right audience organically, increasing your website traffic and engagement. Credibility and Trust: Ranking high on search engines builds credibility and trust among potential customers, fostering long-term relationships. Enhanced User Experience: A seamless, user-friendly website optimized for search engines not only ranks higher but also provides a better experience for visitors.
    Unveiling SEM: Instant Visibility and Targeted Reach
    Paid Advertising Power: SEM offers instant visibility through paid ads, putting your business right in front of potential customers when they search for related products or services. Targeted Audience: SEM allows precise targeting based on demographics and keywords, ensuring your ads reach the most relevant audience, maximizing your chances of conversion.
    Synergy Between SEO and SEM: Maximizing Visibility
    Keyword Synergy: Consistent keyword strategies across SEO and SEM campaigns amplify your online presence, ensuring your business is visible from various entry points. Data Sharing: Utilizing data from SEM campaigns to inform SEO strategies and vice versa enhances your overall digital marketing approach, making it more effective and data-driven. Enhanced Visibility: The combined force of SEO and SEM not only increases your visibility but also strengthens your brand’s online presence, driving awareness and trust.
    Cost-Effectiveness and ROI: Smart Investments for Small Businesses
    Cost-Per-Click (CPC) vs. Organic Traffic: Weighing the costs and benefits, understanding how SEM can be cost-effective when managed strategically alongside long-term organic SEO efforts. Maximizing ROI: Implementing targeted SEO and SEM campaigns, focusing on high-converting keywords and audience segments, ensuring maximum return on investment. Long-Term Benefits: Recognizing the long-term value of SEO efforts and how SEM can provide immediate returns, creating a balanced marketing strategy.
    Real-Life Success Stories: Small Businesses, Big Wins
    Example 1: Highlighting a local business that saw a significant uptick in foot traffic and online sales through a well-executed SEO strategy. Example 2: Showcasing an e-commerce store that exponentially grew its revenue using targeted SEM campaigns, reaching a global audience effectively. Example 3: Discussing a service-based business that combined SEO and SEM, dominating its niche market and becoming a recognized industry authority.
    Overcoming Challenges: Navigating the Digital Landscape
    Budget Constraints: Practical tips on managing SEO and SEM campaigns within budget constraints, ensuring cost-effectiveness without compromising results. Competition: Strategies for standing out amidst competitors, utilizing unique selling points and focused keywords to gain an edge. Algorithm Changes: Staying updated on search engine algorithm changes, adapting strategies to remain visible and relevant in the evolving digital landscape.
    Conclusion: Your Path to Digital Success Starts Here
    Incorporating SEO and SEM into your digital marketing arsenal isn’t just a choice; it’s a necessity. At Tom&Co, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. By understanding the nuanced synergy between SEO and SEM, your small business can achieve remarkable growth, broaden its reach, and establish a solid online presence.

    Ready to witness the transformative power of SEO and SEM? Contact Tom&Co and let’s craft a tailored strategy to catapult your small business into the digital spotlight. Your journey to online success begins now.

  • What are the 5 budget SEO tips for a small business?

    In the digital age, a strong online presence is vital for small businesses. But what if your budget is tight? Fear not! At Tom&Co, we understand the challenges small business owners face, and we’re here to share budget-friendly SEO tips that will significantly enhance your online visibility without burning a hole in your pocket.
    Focus on High-Value Keywords
    A. Keyword Research Made Affordable: We’ll guide you on using free and low-cost keyword research tools to identify the most relevant and lucrative keywords for your business. B. Long-Tail Gems: Discover the power of long-tail keywords and how they can attract specific, high-converting audiences without intense competition. C. Local SEO Magic: Learn the art of incorporating location-based keywords, making your business visible to potential customers in your area.
    Optimize On-Page Elements
    A. Crafting Click-Worthy Titles and Descriptions: We’ll show you how to create compelling title tags and meta descriptions, essential for grabbing attention on search engine result pages (SERPs). B. Headers for Readability: Understand the significance of header tags (H1, H2, H3) and how they improve content readability while boosting SEO. C. Strategic Keyword Placement: Master the art of incorporating keywords naturally within your content, URLs, and image alt text for relevance and search engine recognition.
    Quality Content on a Shoestring Budget
    A. DIY Content Creation: Explore the world of DIY content creation and how platforms like Canva and Grammarly can assist you in crafting professional-looking and error-free content. B. Harnessing User-Generated Content: Discover the power of user-generated content – customer reviews, testimonials, and social media posts – and learn how to leverage them for SEO benefits. C. Content Repurposing: Uncover the secrets of maximizing your content’s value by repurposing blogs into engaging videos, infographics, or social media posts.
    Build High-Quality Backlinks
    A. Guest Blogging Strategies: Learn how to write compelling guest posts for reputable websites in your niche, earning valuable backlinks in return. B. Local Directories: Understand the importance of local directories and how they can enhance your local SEO efforts, driving traffic from nearby customers. C. Social Media Backlinking: Delve into social media promotion tactics that not only increase your visibility but also attract valuable backlinks to your website.
    Technical SEO Best Practices
    A. Speed Optimization: Discover cost-effective ways to optimize your website speed, ensuring seamless user experiences even on a tight budget. B. Mobile-Friendly Design: Understand the importance of mobile responsiveness and how it impacts your SEO efforts, especially in the era of smartphones. C. Proper Indexing: Master the art of creating XML sitemaps and managing your robots.txt file, ensuring search engines properly index your website’s content.
    Measure and Adapt
    A. Google Analytics Simplified: We’ll simplify the process of setting up Google Analytics, allowing you to track your website traffic, user behavior, and conversions effectively. B. Affordable Rank Tracking: Explore affordable rank tracking tools that help you monitor your keyword rankings over time, enabling you to identify trends and adjust your strategies accordingly. C. Conversion Analysis Techniques: Learn how to analyze your SEO efforts’ impact on conversions, ensuring your strategies align with your business goals.
    A. Recap of Budget SEO Tips: A concise summary of the key takeaways: keywords, on-page optimization, quality content, backlinks, and technical SEO. B. Empowering Small Businesses: Reassurance that even with limited resources, small businesses can make a significant impact in the digital landscape through strategic SEO efforts. C. Take Action: A motivational call to action, encouraging readers to implement these budget-friendly SEO tips right away and witness the positive transformation in their online visibility.

    Ready to Elevate Your Online Presence Without Breaking the Bank? Contact Tom&Co Today! Our Expert Team Is Here to Guide You Toward Budget-Friendly SEO Success!

    SEO Tips for Small Businesses: Boost Your Traffic

    In today’s digital era, every business needs a strong online presence and visibility to stay competitive in the market.

    Getting your voice lost in the swarming sea of websites is common, and if you want to bury something, bury it under Google’s second page.

    But lifting your brand and waking it up from the dead is only possible with Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO for small businesses is as important as that of a big brand to gain visibility organically without paying.

    However, as a small business owner, lack of funds and time might prevent you from hiring an SEO agency or in-house SEO expert. But don’t worry, you have come to the right place where I will be sharing some strategies and SEO tips for small businesses.

    From lifting the brand to targeting the right audience and increasing traffic to converting customers, the SEO strategy for small business works well for everyone.

    Before I get into details, it is important to shed some light on search engine optimization.

    What is Search Engine Optimization?

    Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of optimizing your website particularly content to gain higher rankings on Google and other search engines.

    It involves everything from optimizing web copies and blogs with target keywords that people are searching for.

    SEO also includes building a website that is user-friendly and responsive so that people can access your website on any device whether it be smartphone or laptop.

    In addition, it involves listing your website on Google Business profile, building backlinks, getting social signals, including meta tags, image optimization, and so much more.

    Let’s move on and find out some more SEO tips and strategy for small business to gain better visibility.

    But before that, I would like to answer “is SEO worth it for small business”.

    Is SEO worth It for Small Businesses?

    Finding answers to whether SEO is worth it for small businesses.

    In a few words “Yes”, it is worth your time and effort and is considered to be a vital part of the online presence of small businesses.

    But before that you need to address a few more questions to know whether SEO is worth it for your small business or not.

    Is there any Demand for What You Sell?

    Before diving straight into making SEO strategies and implementing them, it is worth knowing whether there is any demand for what you sell or not.

    If you are into local business, the answer is yes, because statistics state something surprising.

    –       4 out of 5 consumers find local information through search engines (source).

    –       76% of users who search for something nearby on their smartphone usually visit it within a day (source).

    –       28% of searches for something nearby result in a purchase (source).

    In simple words, if your local business is not showing up in the search results, you are losing much of the revenue which otherwise would generate a decent income.

    The question is how to find whether there is any demand for what you sell or not.

    Simply log into any keyword research tool such as Ahrefs or Google Keyword Planner.

    Enter your keyword and see its search volume of it.

    The more the volume, the better it is.

    However, there is also a great potential for zero search volume keywords.

    But for now, you need to check the volume of keywords to get a rough idea about whether your product/service is in demand or not.  

    Does Your Solution Address the Problem of Potential Customers?

    It is not always people who search for specific products or services.

    Rather, they search for how to solve the problem they are currently facing.

    For instance, you might search for a free tool that helps you find keyword volume and difficulty.

    Assuming that you are new to digital marketing and don’t even know anything about it.

    What would be your search query?

    It would be the “best free tools to find keywords.”

    Now if you are offering a free keyword tool to help people analyze competition and search volume, you can simply teach how to solve their problem.

    After answering the above questions, you are now in a position to answer whether SEO is worth investing your time and money or not.

    If yes, then continue reading the rest of the post as I am going to discuss everything in detail.

    Let’s get started.

    On-Page SEO Tips for Small Businesses

    Having a Search Engine-Friendly Site Structure

    SEO for small business websites starts with a well-structured website to get started as it is the cornerstone for SEO.

    A well-structured website helps Google understand how to crawl webpages and ultimately leads to boosting traffic, gaining ranking on major keywords, and driving sales.

    As you might know that algorithms drive search engines.

    When a user searches a query, these algorithms pick out the most relevant website catering to the user’s query and display results.

    And that is why I mentioned before that your business website should be well structured to make it easier for Google and users to understand where to navigate and when.

    If your existing website is not generating traffic or sales, you need to seriously consider implementing the right SEO strategy for small business.

    Don’t waste your money on buying a new hosting and domain to create a website from scratch.

    Remember, you are short of funds and can’t afford wasting valuable resources and time on creating something from scratch.

    Here are a few suggestions I would like you to implement on your existing website.

    –   Headings and subheadings: Organize your main topics into headings and subheadings and optimize them with keywords. It will help spiders determine what your pages are about. Remember to use the H1 tag once followed by H2 and H3, which you can use multiple times.

    –   Titles and descriptions: Give all of your pages a title and description that accurately reflect the content. Make sure to use keywords.

    –   Internal links: Internal linking your web pages whether it be blog or anything related will help search crawlers to understand your website better. It also helps visitors to navigate and explore your website without juggling pages and posts.

    –   Outbound Links: Outbound links are important when implementing on-page SEO. Make sure to link to websites with high page and domain authority and add value to the page for readers to explore further information.

    Analyze Your Competitors

    SEO strategy for small business involves analyzing your competitors.

    The more deeply you analyze your competitors, the better you can plan SEO for small business.

    Here’s what you need to do to analyze your competitors.

    Keywords Optimization

    Look at your competitors and see which keywords they are ranking for.

    Are they targeting low competition keywords or high competition keywords?

    Dig deep to analyze keyword gaps and use those keywords to your benefit.

    One of the tools you can use to analyze keyword gaps is Moz Keyword Explorer.

    Title and Meta Description

    When analyzing your competitor’s SEO plan, make sure to list down all the meta tags they use on their website.

    Install Chrome Extension like Meta SEO Inspector to retrieve information.

    Once you have compiled, think of the way that would help you stand out from your competitor.

    Backlink Analysis

    Backlink analysis will help you analyze your competitor’s strategy and types of links they build on high-authority websites.

    Not only do you need to check what sites they are getting backlinks from, but also find what type of anchor texts they are using to rank keywords.

    Content Analysis

    Content is king and without quality content, you will not see any positive results from your SEO strategy.

    Analyze what type of content your competitors are publishing on their blog.

    It can be either informational, how to, commercial, guides, or roundup posts.

    Also, don’t forget to check the average word count they are publishing.  

    Are they only writing SEO optimized blogs or using other formats as well such as video, podcast, or infographics.

    After analyzing content, you will better understand what to do differently and how to beat competitors.

    Include Target Keyword in URL

    Every page and blog on your website should be friendly and include target keywords.

    It also helps in maintaining your website’s hierarchy consistent when you add new pages, write blog posts, or other internal pages.

    Here are some tips to make an SEO friendly URL:

    Targeting the Right Keywords

    Search Engine Optimization without picking the right keywords is not possible.

    Especially when picking the right keywords, make sure to choose long tail keywords that people are searching for. Optimize your pages with keywords that are being searched in your niche by your target audience. Write blogs related to search queries and optimize it in your blog to get organic traffic.

    High volume and low competition keywords will bring the results quickly instead of going for tougher ones. Google Keyword planner is one of the best free keyword research tools to help you analyze competition and volume.

    However, I also use other tools like SEO Surfer or WhatsMySerp for keyword research to get volume and related terms.

    To effectively implement SEO for small business websites, you must also perform a comprehensive competitor analysis. It includes everything from checking their backlinks to keyword optimization, blogs to on-page and off-page SEO strategies.

    I usually try to find the keyword gaps and optimize my existing and new content with those keywords.

    It’s usually a good idea to check your competitor’s Google My Business NAP results.

    Simply start by searching the business’s name, which will display a GMB panel on the right side of your window.

    Take a close look at the category under which they appear, usually below the review stars.

    Select view page source by right-clicking in the white area next to reviews and business name.

    HTML code page will appear.

    Now press Ctrl + F on your PC to search for the primary category you saw under the reviews.

    Go to the third iteration of the category, which will be shown after the business name and the word “Null”.

    You will see all other categories that were selected by the competitors you searched for.

    Don’t copy the category used by them, ranking higher than you on specific keywords.

    You will notice that they have a category that matches the keyword.

    Make sure to add the category to your listing and keep in mind it must be a related category.  

    Create Reader Friendly Content Rather Search Engine Friendly

    Creating content on a regular basis is one of the most effective SEO tips for local and small businesses.

    It is an on-going process that requires you to create content people are searching for.

    Normally 3-4 blogs per week will help you boost your site’s credibility and ranking.

    Whether you are selling SaaS products or offering some kind of service, creating helpful and useful content is one of the Google top ranking factors.

    In the digital age, blog is a common term everyone knows and I assume you are one of them. So if you want to gain traction organically, make sure to write SEO-optimized blogs that are user-friendly.

    However, ensure not to use keywords excessively and write for readers instead of search engines. My personal Formula is to write 70% for humans and 30% for search engines.

    Whether you are writing short-form content or long-form content, the purpose should be to serve readers, and their problems and give solutions.

    Image Attributes

    Another important on-page SEO tip for small businesses is adding alt text to all the images on the website.

    The purpose of adding alt text is to inform Google, what the image is all about.

    Some of the traffic to your website is driven by image results, which is why you can’t ignore adding image alt text, and it also contributes well to your website’s on-page SEO optimization.

    Most webmasters add a primary or secondary keyword, which is not at all acceptable by Google.

    Make sure to follow the tips below for perfect Alt text:

    Mobile Responsiveness

    Mobile responsive websites are considered as a major ranking factor in the sight of Google.

    As most people browse websites on smartphones or tablets, choosing a theme and design that is readable and easy to navigate on mobile is important.

    If you are using WordPress builder for your website, you can find thousands of mobile responsive themes that can help you with mobile responsiveness from the initial phase of your website design. Or you can hire an experienced web designer to do the job for you.

    However, to verify whether your website is responsive or not, go to Google Mobile Friendly test tool to test your website.

    Another way to test your website responsiveness is to access your website on your smartphone.

    If you find clutter and messed up menu, text, and images, it surely needs some fixes.

    Try to fix the issue as early as possible especially if you are running a small e-commerce website.

    It could result in abandoning cart, high bounce rate, and no conversion.

    Site Speed

    Site speed is another SEO ranking factor that Google considers when placing websites on top results.

    The probability of bounce increases 32% as page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds (Source)

    Whether your website is accessed through a smart device or desktop/laptop, your website must load quickly.

    Google is more vigilant about user experience; if your site loads slowly, it will take it negatively.

    Make sure to check your website speed often, and if your website is taking more time, follow the below steps.

    Choose Performance Optimized Hosting

    The majority of small businesses choose cheap and shared hosting to save money.

    However, the fact is that cheap hosting leads to poor performance of your website, which includes slow loading speed.

    The reason is that they share resources and data space with other websites, leading to server overloading.

    But if you choose performance optimized hosting, you will get dedicated space, resulting in optimal speed and performance.

    Compress and Optimize Images

    Images are worth a thousand words.

    But large image files can result in poor performance and slow loading speed.

    The best way to avoid slow speed issues is to compress and optimize images.

    If you manage a WordPress website, you can install a handful of plugins to deal with image optimization.

    Some of the best plugins to optimize images on WordPress includes:

    –       Optimimole

    –       EWWW Image Optimizer

    –       Smush Image Compression and Optimization

    –       Imagify

    Cache Your Web Pages  

    Caching your web pages allows you to speed up your website.

    It allows webpages to reduce Time to First Byte (TTFB), by requiring the server to use minimal resources to load the webpage.

    You can cache your web pages in numerous ways, but the easy way to cache your web pages is to install a plugin.

    W3 Total Cache is one of the best free WordPress plugins to help you cache your web pages quickly and easily.

    Another great plugin to cache web pages is by installing WP Rocket.

    The tool is handy and allows you to improve performance up to 80% and reduce the page load speed.

    Delete Unnecessary Plugins

    Plugins on your WordPress website are good to add extra functionality.

    However, installing too many plugins can also cause slower loading speed of your website.

    Moreover, plugins without any updates from developers are vulnerable to security threats and can cause performance issues.

    Make sure to install only necessary plugins and delete the unwanted ones or simply deactivate if you need it in the future.

    Technical SEO Tips for Small Business Websites

    Technical SEO is the process of website optimization to allow search engine spiders crawl and index your website.

    In this section, I am going to discuss the best technical SEO tips for small and local businesses.

    Use SSL

    Secure Sockets Layer or SSL allows you to secure your website from attacks and malwares.

    In 2014, Google made it compulsory for webmasters to use HTTPS everywhere and were given preference over non-secure ones.

    To identify whether your website is using SSL or not is to check if the URL starts with HTTPS instead of HTTP.

    Most of the web hosting companies offer SSL plans on a yearly basis, but some are offering it for free.

    No matter what you choose, it is important to have on your website to make it secure and reliable in the eyes of Google and visitors.

    Create an XML Sitemap

    Creating an XML sitemap is one of the key SEO tips for small businesses.

    It is a file you upload on your website, which helps search engines understand your website before crawling it. Think of it as a map that allows search engines to know where each page exists.

    Sitemap of any website also tells about when the post was published, how frequently it is updated, and when was it last modified.

    Enable AMP

    AMP allows your website to speed up content delivery on mobile devices.

    It is backed by Google and uses special code called AMP HTML.

    AMP versions of your website load quickly on smartphones and tablets by taking the code and content down to the lowest level, which leaves only videos, images, and text intact, but inactivating forms, scripts, and comments.

    Make sure to enable AMP to get yourself a special place on search results.

    Add Schema or Structured Data Markup

    Schema Markup is also an important part of technical SEO for small business websites.

    It is a process of customizing web pages as it should appear on search engines.

    You might have come across search results on Google showing star ratings.

    Or in some cases, you might have come across search results showing business hours, services offered, and recipes.

    All of these search results are due to schema markup.

    If you want to add schema markup to your website, you can go to

    Canonical Tags to Avoid Duplicate Content

    rel=canonical tags are often used on websites with similar content on two different pages.

    The tag lets search engines know which page’s content is the most important.

    You can use this tag when you have a blog falling in multiple categories or product in multiple categories.

    Add Your Site to Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools

    As you may know SEO only works when you have the right data.

    For instance, if you want to track the performance and position of your latest blog, you might not be able to analyze without tools.

    Google Console and Bing Webmaster Tools are free to use and help you retrieve data about your website.

    Moreover, these tools also serve as a means to crawl your new website, index pages and posts, and point out errors on your website.

    After launching your website, it is important to submit XML sitemap to both of these tools to help them crawl and retrieve results.

    Along with indexing and crawling, these tools also help you analyze website’s performance such as keyword positions, impressions, clicks, and errors.

    And if spammy links back your website, you can simply use these tools to disavow those links.

    Create a Robots.txt File

    Robots.txt is a file that tells Google and other search engine crawlers about the pages and files allowed and not allowed to crawl.

    It is mostly used to prevent particular sections of your website from being crawled.

    However, robots.txt file is not used to deindex the webpage or stop it from appearing from search engine results.

    If you want to check whether robots.txt files is on your site or not, simply type:

    If there is no robots.txt file, you need to create one.

    Several WordPress plugins like Yoast allow you to create and edit robots.txt file.

    However, if you are using other CMS, you might need to create robots.txt file manually and upload it to your root domain.

    Off-Page SEO for Small Business Websites

    Up till now I have covered almost all aspects of on-page SEO for small business websites.

    Apart from on-page SEO, off-page SEO also plays a pivotal role in boosting your website’s traffic and ranking higher on search engines.

    Off-page SEO for small business websites includes all the activities done outside your website to rank higher on search engines.

    It involves all the activities including link building, social signals, social bookmarking, and writing for publications.

    Here are some of the tips to do off-page SEO for small businesses.

    Social Media Marketing

    Social media marketing is one of the important aspects of off-page SEO.

    According to research, people spend more time on social media website presently as compared to few years ago (source)

    The purpose of social media marketing is to stay in close contact with target audience and generating clicks from multiple IPs send positive signals to Google.

    If you are publishing quality reader friendly content, it may get a lot of shares across social networks and expand the reach.

    Make sure to invest some time and effort in social media marketing for better rankings.

    Social Bookmarking

    Social bookmarking websites are a great way to get visitors on your website and increase traffic.

    Digg, Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Delicious are some of the top bookmarking websites.

    If you are using social bookmarking technique for off-page SEO of small business, make sure to write captivating and quality content and tagline.

    Link Building

    Link building is an effective off-page technique to gain traction through promoting links on other high authority websites and gaining high rankings on search engines.

    However, link building should be done after analyzing the website’s authority, relevance, and domain authority.

    For instance, if you are in a health niche and your link is promoted on pet sites, your link building activity is just a waste.

    Link building works on trial and error, so don’t avoid taking risks.

    But make sure you are not making spammy links to cheat search engines because your site may get a hard hit in the future.

    Brand Mentions

    It is not less than an achievement when your brand is being discussed and mentioned on various forums, social media sites, and other high-authority websites.

    Social mentions play a key role in giving signals to search engines that people are talking about your brand.

    The best way to get brand mentions is to engage with audiences on different platforms, especially social media.

    Higher engagement with target audience results in increased brand mentions.

    Make sure not to ignore your potential customers and keep an eye on their queries and problems.

    Guest Posting

    With the passage of time, there is an increased number of websites and blogs.

    Some of the blogs are open to guest posting, where you can publish articles and get a backlink.

    The best way to approach guest posting is to find high-authority websites in your niche.

    Once you come up with a list of guest posting websites, you can check the contact info to reach them out.

    Most of the guest posting websites charge money, while some are offering free of cost.

    No matter whether you go for paid guest posting or free one, make sure to check the website’s stats such as amount of traffic, niche, origin of traffic, and authority.

    Summing Up

    When it comes to SEO for small and local businesses, you have to wait patiently to see the results.

    There is no hard and fast rule as to when you will gain higher ranking on search engines and by which method.

    At times, you will see upward ranking just by simply changing the structure of your website and improving website speed. But it is important to know that every aspect of SEO is important, especially when we are entering 2023 and the SEO space is becoming more and more competitive.

    Sometimes, you might see your website ranking on top for some keywords just by creating high-quality backlinks.

    However, following all the SEO tips for small businesses shared in this guide, whether off-page or on-page will surely prove to be fruitful in the future.

    All it requires is patience, consistency, and testing.

    3 Vital Reasons Your SEO Strategy Isn’t Working

    Most often, business owners leave their marketing strategies on autopilot, doing the same things repeatedly and expecting some traffic boom. While you could use the same ad multiple times, SEO will not.

    SEO changes in real-time, month after month and year after year. So to start getting those delicious juice from search engines like Google and Bing, you must first understand why your SEO strategies aren’t yielding results.

    In that case, here are five reasons why your SEO strategies aren’t working:

    1. The Wrong Target

    Nothing will work no matter how robust your marketing strategies are if you’re targeting the wrong audience. There will be no clicks, no retention, and indeed no sales. The best you can do at this stage is to go back to the drawing board and revisit your target market.

    Who are they, what do they do, and where do they hang out? You can dig deeper by uncovering their pain points, passion, dreams, and income. Detailed info about your target audience will help you run a targeted campaign that drives results.

    Without a detailed overview of who your target market is, you’re like a blindfolded archer in a dark room.

    2. Tactics over strategies

    If you scour the internet for some SEO tips, you’re likely to find tons and tons of tactics claimed to have worked or still work. But, according to Brian Dean of Backlinko, over 200 SEO factors influence ranking.

    You will probably come across tips like using short URLs, Using your target keywords in essential sections of your post, or optimizing your images ALT with your keywords.

    While these tips may work, they don’t often yield results in the long run. The best way to go about it is to set goals, plan out your content, and measure its impact on your readers.

    3. Your Website Design Experience

    Google is making User Experience essential criteria for ranking a page on SERP. So ask yourself: does your website appeal to your target audience? During your website design, was there a strategy outline in place?

    When it comes to UX, there are a lot of checklists to tick. That is why businesses and professionals alike prefer to use the services of a digital marketing expert. That way, they can focus on what they do best while an expert handles their SEO.

    We have been helping our clients rank impressively, ensuring their target market gets exposed to the products and services they offer. So feel free to give us a call or perhaps fill out our contact form to book an appointment.

    5 Smart Google SEO Tips for 2022

    The SEO landscape takes a different shape every year, causing businesses and professionals to evaluate and refine their SEO strategies. In addition, since Google updates its algorithm a couple of times each year, investing in SEO becomes something you should never overlook.

    The reason is simple: about 53% of website traffic comes from organic search. So not paying attention to your SEO is like throwing away opportunities. In that light, here are some smart Google SEO tips for 2022.

    1. Invest in high-quality content

    Content is king, and thus, Google wants to rank only pages that provide valuable and helpful content to its users. Therefore, to rank higher in Google SERP, you need to invest in content marketing.

    When talking about quality, Google looks out for the following signals before ranking a page, and it includes:

    Note that Google is getting smarter by the day, and keyword stuffing wouldn’t get you anywhere. While your competitors may have a high page authority, Google can better rank your content higher if it provides more value.

    1. Invest in User Experience

    The quality of your page is not enough, but how the page performs for users. Unlike before, a smooth user experience has become one of Google’s top criteria when ranking a page. To do this, Google measures the user experience of a web page in three primary areas: Core Web Vitals, Mobile-Usability, and Security.

    If you have no idea how your page performs to these metrics, you can audit your page using PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, or Google search console. If there are any Core Web Vital issues on any of your pages, ranking may become difficult until they are resolved.

    1. Target Long-tail and low-competition keywords

    Unless you’ve built a massive domain authority, you will have to target low-tail keywords since they are often less competitive. On the other hand, you have a better chance of ranking on page 1 without backlinks with long-tail keywords.

    Numerous tools help you fish out long-tail keywords that you can rank for, such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, MOZ, and even Ubersuggest.

    1. Integrate AI into your SEO strategy

    AI solutions can help you up your SEO game without breaking the bank. They can be pretty helpful, especially in personalization, content creation, and analyzing a large amount of data. 

    With AI at your disposal, you create content faster and outrank your competitors in less time. Some of the AI tools you can consider are SearchAtlas, BrightLocal, and CopyAI.

    1. Work with an expert

    To improve your SEO and grow your business, you might need to work closely with an SEO expert who understands your industry and audience. That way, you focus on the more prominent aspect of running your business.

    In that case, feel free to get in touch with us by calling or filling out our contact form, and we’ll ensure your website is SEO optimized, targeted, and ready to rank on the first page of Google.

    Tom&Co. has been selected among the Top Web Design Companies In New York by Designrush

    How to Identify and Optimize high-impact webpages

    Low-impact pages certainly aren’t good for businesses. And the reason is evident – they are deadwood on your website. You probably noticed because there weren’t enough conversions, and worse when your bounce rate keeps rising.

    You probably have a few or hundreds of web pages on your website and trying to figure out which page performs better and how to boost that performance further can be tricky. However, some tools can help, like Google Analytics!

    Although there are a few other great tools out there for identifying high-impact web pages, for this article’s sake, google analytics is the focus.

    1. Identify your top-performing web pages.

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could maximize the potential of your top-performing web pages to convert more?

    Google Analytics can help you achieve that. Pull up relevant metrics on your web pages, from high performing webpages to the least. Also, get essential info like the number of page views, bounce rate, time spent, and more!

    1. Leverage off your high-impact webpages; Optimize!

    Integrating and constantly pimping your SEO practices is a great way to keep your website business flowing with rich, ready-to-convert traffic.

    Thinking of it this way – if your high-impact web pages already rack up tons of page views and potential customers, then optimizing these web pages should further push those numbers up the sky.

    Here are a few ways to optimize high-impact webpages

    1. Use relevant Keywords

    Keywords help your webpage content hit the right note people search for on the internet, and it’s more like bread crumbs on your web page.

    1. Meta descriptions

    How many times have you been drawn to a specific site because it looked appealing and more so, showed you exactly what you needed?

    A meta description is more like a peek into what your webpage offers, and optimizing meta descriptions should attract even more website views.

    1. Proofread web content

    Error-ridden content, too long sentences, and paragraphs are probably the reason why your web page visitors get tired and left. High bounce rates are a turnoff. Make sure you proofread website content to keep errors in check.

    1. Include a CTA on your landing page

    Lead your visitors to the next step with a call to action. A unique call to action can ultimately gain more leads on webpage offers.

    1. Images

    Images! They help set a good sight of what your viewers want to see. However, larger images can cause your web pages to lag, thereby discouraging potential leads from coming to fruition. Compress your images, and never forget the ALT tags, and the captions too.

    1. Internal links to other relevant pages

    Internal links can help boost the quality of your page. This way, a single high-impact page could serve as clickbait to other low-performing or less viewed pages.

    Hire An SEO expert

    SEO practices can be a little advanced for non-tech savvies. But.. you don’t have to do it alone when there is an expert ready to help you increase your potential leads. If you feel you are ready, feel free to call us (718) 273-3070 or fill out our contact form.

    SEO Tactics That Will Get You In Trouble

    The world of SEO has changed dramatically over the years and many of the tactics that worked to get traffic and status in search results pages no longer work. As a matter of fact, some of the tactics that used to be guaranteed ways to climb the results in a search engine could now get your website in a lot of trouble. If you want to avoid problems with Google and the other search engines, then you need to learn to avoid these old and dangerous SEO tactics.

    Paid Links

    In the early days of SEO, marketing companies would buy abandoned links that had some search engine credibility and then use those URLs to build a network of links that would help boost client websites. If this tactic sounds fishy, that is because it is fishy. People would pay for links into networks that were populated with websites that either did not exist, or the content was questionable. If you try putting paid links on your website today, your site will get shut down and hit with a penalty so fast it will make your head spin.

    Keyword Stuffing

    Keywords used to be like gold in SEO, but Google has changed the game so much that keywords are now just one tool you use to create good content. A keyword density of around one percent has always been the preferable level, but in the old days websites were actually rewarded for stuffing content with keywords up to a density of 10 percent or higher.

    These days, the focus is on the quality of the content and not the keywords and that is why you need to hire SEO experts. If you try to keyword stuff your content today, your website will disappear from the search result pages for a very long time.

    Sabotage SEO

    It was not that long ago that Google had no way of knowing whether or not a website owner actually loaded malware on their own website, purchased bad links, or put stuffed content on their site. In many cases, these websites were the result of sabotage SEO where a competitor would hack the site and cause all kinds of problems.

    Today, Google’s ability to monitor Internet activity is extremely sophisticated and Google is getting much better at being able to tell when sabotage has taken place. There is a process a website owner can go through to try and get their website cleared and if the malicious activity points back to your website then you can expect your website to be pulled from search result pages indefinitely.


    Misdirection occurs when you publish a page of content that will surely get plenty of search engine attention, but the content takes users to something completely different. For example, an article about personal finance might actually take users to a sales page for a debt reduction firm. This is an easy SEO hack for Google to catch and it will get your website blacklisted.

    The Internet used to be the Wild West when it came to SEO rules and many marketing companies took advantage of that. But today, Google is getting the house in order and the old tactics that used to generate a lot of revenue can now get your website banned from search results forever.

    How To Use A Keywords Planner To Optimize SEO

    A keyword planner is a piece of analytical software that gives you a wide range of information about the keywords you want to use in your next advertising campaign. Google has the most popular keywords planner, which makes sense since a majority of the web searches are done on the Google platform. In order to maximize the information given by a keyword planner, you first need to know how to use it. Once you start using a keyword planner to optimize your website and blog content, you will wonder how you ever did without it.

    Are Keywords Still Relevant?

    Google and other search engines are evolving more into search phrase vehicles rather than relying on a keyword or two to bring up relevant websites, but that does not mean that keywords are no longer valuable. As long as there are Internet search engines, there will be value in doing comprehensive keyword research. Internet users will always use certain words to find what they are looking for, and optimizing your content to become associated with those words will always increase Internet traffic.

    Keyword Popularity

    The basic function of a keyword planner is to show you how popular a keyword is at specific times during the week, month, and year. While most people try to find the most popular keywords for their content, savvy marketing professionals look for keywords that are growing in popularity and still directly associated with the advertiser’s industry. For example, while “shoes” is a great keyword to use for a shoe manufacturing website, the keyword “laces” is gaining in popularity and can bring a whole new audience to your content.

    Associated Keywords

    A good keyword planner will point out not just the popularity of the keyword you are researching, but any associated keywords that might also bring in traffic. The keywords that get millions of hits each month are used to the point where they are no longer effective. But if you can team up a popular keyword with one that reaches a different type of audience, then you can enhance the effectiveness of your content.

    Geographic Planning

    While digital marketing experts are very aware of the ability to geo-target keywords, website owners might still be new to the idea. A keyword planner will show you how popular certain keywords are in different geographic areas, and that can help you to develop content that speaks specifically to that target audience. Each region treats keywords differently, and geo-targeting keywords using a keyword planner can go a long way towards enhancing your content and making it more effective.

    All of the attention Google gets for changing its keyword algorithms can sometimes make website owners feel like keywords no longer matter. When Google changes its algorithm, all it is really doing is altering the way it treats keywords. Google is not ignoring keywords at all; it is just forcing website owners to be more efficient in their use of the right keywords for their content.

    A keyword planner can help you to stay updated on the popularity of keywords within your industry, and show you how to use keywords to optimize your content. When you create content for your website, you should always do what you can to use the latest keyword data to make your content more enticing to your target audience.