25 Killer Social Media Content Ideas For Small Business

In the bustling realm of social media, content is king. For small businesses aiming to thrive online, engaging and creative social media content is essential. At Tom&Co, we understand the challenges you face, which is why we’ve curated a list of 25 killer social media content ideas to elevate your online presence and captivate your audience.
Visual Content Ideas
A. 1. Behind-the-Scenes Sneak Peeks: Offering Authentic Glimpses into Your Business World B. 2. Infographics: Simplifying Complex Information into Visually Appealing Graphics C. 3. Product Showcases: Showcasing Your Products or Services in High-Quality Visuals D. 4. User-Generated Content: Sharing Content Created by Your Happy Customers E. 5. Before-and-After Photos: Demonstrating Transformations and Success Stories
Interactive Content Ideas
A. 1. Polls and Surveys: Engaging Your Audience and Gathering Valuable Insights B. 2. Quizzes and Trivia: Testing Knowledge and Adding Fun to Your Social Media C. 3. Live Q&A Sessions: Hosting Live Sessions to Answer Questions and Connect with Followers D. 4. Contests and Giveaways: Creating Excitement and Encouraging Participation E. 5. Interactive Stories: Using Features like Instagram Stories to Engage Your Audience
Informative Content Ideas
A. 1. How-To Guides: Providing Step-by-Step Tutorials Relevant to Your Industry B. 2. Industry News and Updates: Sharing the Latest Trends and Developments C. 3. Fun Facts and Trivia: Educating and Entertaining Your Audience Simultaneously D. 4. Customer Testimonials: Featuring Satisfied Clients and Their Positive Experiences E. 5. Expert Tips: Offering Valuable Insights and Tips Related to Your Products or Services
Engaging Storytelling Content Ideas
A. 1. Success Stories: Inspiring Your Audience with Stories of Triumph and Accomplishment B. 2. Employee Spotlights: Humanizing Your Business by Introducing Your Team C. 3. Milestone Celebrations: Celebrating Your Business Achievements and Anniversaries D. 4. Client Spotlights: Featuring Loyal Clients and Their Unique Stories E. 5. Charity and Community Initiatives: Sharing Your Business’s Philanthropic Efforts and Community Involvement
Call to Action Content Ideas
A. 1. Limited-Time Offers: Creating Urgency with Time-Sensitive Discounts and Promotions B. 2. Promotions and Flash Sales: Offering Exclusive Deals for a Limited Period C. 3. Early Access: Rewarding Your Followers with Exclusive Access to New Products or Services D. 4. Social Media-Exclusive Contests: Encouraging Engagement Among Your Social Media Followers E. 5. Referral Programs: Incentivizing Your Audience to Refer Friends and Family
At Tom&Co, we believe that every small business can create a powerful social media presence. By incorporating these diverse and engaging content ideas, you can connect with your audience, boost your brand image, and ultimately drive sales. Don’t miss the chance to transform your social media
Ready to revolutionize your social media presence? Contact Tom&Co today! Our expert team is dedicated to helping small businesses like yours succeed in the digital world. Let’s craft a compelling social media strategy that will make your business stand out and thrive online!

Facebook for Business: Everything You Need to Know

In the digital landscape, mastering Facebook for business is not just an option; it’s a necessity. At Tom&Co, we recognize the power of this social media giant in amplifying your brand’s presence and engaging with your audience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll navigate through the intricate world of Facebook for business, providing you with everything you need to know to thrive online.
Setting Up Your Business Page
A. Creating a Business Page: Step into the World of Facebook Business Pages B. Optimizing Visuals: Designing Eye-Catching Profile and Cover Photos C. Information Accuracy: Filling Out Business Details for Enhanced Customer Communication
Content Strategy and Creation
A. Audience Understanding: Tailoring Content According to Your Audience’s Preferences B. Crafting Engaging Posts: Mastering the Art of Captivating Captions and Descriptions C. Visual Storytelling: The Impact of High-Quality Images and Videos in Capturing Attention
Leveraging Facebook Advertising
A. Ad Variety: Exploring Carousel Ads, Video Ads, and Lead Generation Ads B. Precision Targeting: Utilizing Facebook’s Detailed Targeting for Pinpoint Accuracy C. Budgeting and Scheduling: Setting Up Budgets and Timing Campaigns for Maximum Impact
Engaging Your Audience
A. Interactive Elements: Polls, Quizzes, and Contests to Encourage Active Participation B. Timely Responses: The Significance of Genuine and Swift Customer Interactions C. Messenger Excellence: Direct Communication with Customers Through Facebook Messenger
Facebook Insights and Analytics
A. Data Interpretation: Understanding Reach, Engagement, and Conversion Metrics B. Demographic Insights: Refining Strategies Based on Audience Data C. Experimentation: A/B Testing for Fine-Tuning Your Approach
Integrating E-commerce on Facebook
A. Setting Up Shop: A Guide to Direct Sales Through Facebook B. Secured Transactions: Implementing Safe Payment Gateways for Customer Confidence C. Promotional Strategies: Attracting Buyers with Special Offers and Discounts
Facebook Groups and Communities
A. Community Building: Establishing Your Brand’s Space within Facebook Groups B. Participation and Networking: Building Authority Through Engagement C. Community Management: Maintaining a Positive Environment for Discussions
Crisis Management and Reputation Building
A. Handling Criticism: Professional Responses to Negative Feedback B. Building a Positive Image: Encouraging Positive Reviews and Testimonials C. Navigating Controversies: Addressing Sensitive Topics with Care and Transparency
Facebook isn’t just a platform; it’s a dynamic ecosystem for businesses. By embracing the strategies outlined in this guide, you’re not just growing your brand; you’re building a community. At Tom&Co, we believe in the power of Facebook for transforming businesses. It’s not just about what you post; it’s about how you connect.

Ready to Unleash Your Business’s Full Potential on Facebook? Contact Tom&Co for Tailored Strategies and Expert Guidance. Let’s Turn Your Facebook Presence into a Business Powerhouse Today!

Best Social Media Platforms for Business In 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, choosing the right social media platforms can make or break your business’s online presence. At Tom&Co, we understand the power of social media as a catalyst for business growth. Join us as we explore the best social media platforms for businesses in 2023, tailored to meet the unique needs of small business owners.
Criteria for Selecting Social Media Platforms
Target Audience Analysis: Understand your audience’s demographics, behaviors, and preferences to align your social media strategies effectively.
Business Goals: Define clear objectives such as increasing sales, building brand awareness, or fostering customer engagement to select platforms that align with your goals.
Content Type: Choose platforms that complement your content style, whether it’s visual, textual, or video-based, ensuring your message resonates effectively.
Budget and Resources: Evaluate your budget constraints and available resources for content creation, advertising, and social media management tools.
Overview of Top Social Media Platforms
1. Facebook: Explore the diverse user base and advanced ad targeting options, ideal for businesses aiming for broad reach and precise targeting.
2. Instagram: Leverage visually appealing content and interactive features like Stories and Reels to engage with a younger, visually-oriented audience.
3. Twitter: Harness real-time engagement, trending hashtags, and concise messaging, perfect for businesses looking to stay current and engage in conversations.
4. LinkedIn: Build professional connections, share thought leadership content, and explore B2B marketing opportunities in this networking-focused platform.
5. TikTok: Dive into creative marketing with short-form videos, appealing to younger demographics and embracing trends that go viral.
6. Pinterest: Tap into the visual discovery aspect, perfect for businesses in fashion, home decor, or any industry where aesthetics play a significant role.
Industry-Specific Platforms
1. YouTube: Create engaging video content and tutorials, ideal for businesses in education, entertainment, and product demonstrations.
2. Snapchat: Engage younger audiences with interactive content, using features like Geofilters for local businesses and time-sensitive promotions.
3. Reddit: Participate in niche communities and discussions, perfect for specialized products or services that cater to specific interests.
Emerging Platforms to Watch in 2023
1. Clubhouse: Explore the world of audio-driven networking and discussions, fostering connections and thought leadership within your industry.
2. NFT Communities: Delve into the rising trend of NFTs, building communities around digital collectibles and unique, blockchain-based assets.
Choosing the Right Social Media Mix
Analyzing Platform Metrics: Monitor engagement, conversion rates, and ROI to refine your social media strategies and focus on platforms that yield the best results.
Experimentation and Adaptation: Stay agile by experimenting with new platforms and adapting your strategies based on real-time performance data.
Integration with Marketing Funnel: Align your social media efforts with the customer journey, from awareness to conversion, ensuring a seamless and effective user experience.
Best Practices for Social Media Marketing in 2023
Authenticity and Transparency: Build trust with your audience through genuine communication and transparent brand messaging.
User-Generated Content: Harness the power of satisfied customers by encouraging user-generated content, enhancing credibility and authenticity.
Social Commerce: Seamlessly integrate e-commerce platforms, making the shopping experience convenient and enjoyable for your customers.
Future Trends in Social Media Marketing
Metaverse Integration: Explore the immersive world of virtual and augmented reality, finding innovative ways to connect with audiences within the metaverse.
Sustainability and Social Impact: Align your brand with social and environmental causes, demonstrating a commitment to making a positive difference in the world.
In the dynamic realm of social media, strategic choices can transform your business’s online presence. By understanding your audience, aligning goals, and embracing emerging trends, you can harness the full potential of social media to elevate your brand. At Tom&Co, we’re here to guide you on this exciting journey. Start optimizing your social media strategy today and witness your business thrive in 2023!

Ready to Supercharge Your Social Media Presence? Contact Tom&Co and Let’s Craft a Social Media Strategy Tailored for Your Business Success!

9 Powerful Tips to Crush Social Media Trolls

Trolls are no longer thought of as mythical creatures that reside under bridges. A new class of social media trolls has evolved as a result of the internet’s immense power and freedom of expression. Yes, we are referring to online trolls that have the ability to effortlessly abuse their position of authority and turn anyone’s life into a living nightmare, especially social media managers and business owners.

It only makes sense to handle issues in the best way possible if we accept that we must deal with all the good and the bad that come with everything. The same philosophy should be used to deal with trolls on social media.

The following advice will come in helpful for you whether you manage social media professionally or just use social networking sites for your business. Continue reading to learn how to stop internet trolls from devouring your peace.

Who are Online Trolls?

Online trolls are regular folks like you and me who use the internet as a means of provocation. Internet trolls are those who use the internet to harass, intimidate, threaten, or annoy other people.

Internet trolls use a variety of strategies to provoke people. They can bombard you with offensive content, engage in conversation with you that is misogynistic, racist, sexist, homophobic, or hateful, take your words or comments out of context and use them against you, discover any personal information about you and try to discredit you, or come up with other ways to annoy you.

They basically just want to stir up some form of disturbance because, tragically, they like it. It can occasionally be used as a tool for going viral online. However, not all trolls are evil and vicious. Some of them make fun of others without any genuine malice; they do this to generate interesting social engagement and viral material.

But how can you tell if the person you are speaking to on social media is indeed a malicious troll?

5 Signs that You’re Dealing with a Social Media Troll

Not all strange people you encounter on social media are trolls. They do have their own clan, and you can identify one by looking for certain telltale indications.

They never stay on the topic at hand:

Well, who in an online discussion actually does that? A social media troublemaker, however, would deliberately try to divert conversational attention each time. They frequently use strange, ridiculous, unpleasant, or utterly irrelevant links or images as their response, which can cause havoc.

They agitate you:

You won’t always agree with what others say online, but if someone constantly insults or denigrates you, it’s likely that you are conversing with a troll.

They patronize you:

Genuine social media trolls will make every effort to incite a reaction from you. They will irritate you by messaging you back and forth, making rude comments on your posts, and using hate speech.

They never make sense:

If someone keeps bringing up odd, absolutely illogical ideas, you can be sure you are dealing with a social media troublemaker.

They start calling people names:

You see, internet trolls are familiar with online jargon, particularly derogatory terms. Therefore, it is definitely a warning sign if someone calls you “deez nuts,” “sussy baka,” or something like that.

You are being trolled if any one or more of these occur frequently to you at the hands of someone. It’s good news that you can look after them; here’s how:

9 Tips to Handle Social Media Trolls

Use the following strategies to restore serenity to your life and the lives of the brands you manage if an account keeps harassing you.

1. Ignore them and ignore some 

Never forget that a troll’s only goal is to spout hate at you and bring you down. How can they carry on like that? Of course, if you continue to pay attention to them. When you deny them that, eventually they become entirely silent.

To put it simply, you must quit feeding the trolls. Stop reacting entirely if a troll is assaulting you personally. However, it would be fair to report them if the troublemaker was assaulting your clients. Additionally, if someone does offer a good cause for their rage, consider listening to them.

2. Monitor your social media.

Any time of day, a troll might appear and start causing havoc in a matter of minutes. You can avoid a lot of difficulty if you can identify a troll in time. Start constantly checking your social media accounts numerous times throughout the day to catch those evil bastards in the act before it’s too late.

3. Establish policies

Establish clear guidelines for behavior on your social media profile, group page, and brand page. It seems sense to have a code of conduct for your social media profile given that every site has one.

Create a post about the “rules of behavior” and pin it if you manage a Facebook group. Create a graphic post and share it if you run a page. The policy may also be found in the “about us” section. Create a post about the subject on your personal profile every few months.

4. Become familiar with the trends

Consider a period when you moved to a different city or even a section of the same town you had been living in for a while. You’re going to initially feel a little alone. You would find even commonplace things weird. You start to feel better as soon as you become accustomed to the location. The same holds true when dealing with trolls on social media.

Learn about the internet for a while. Keep up with current trends, particularly those that pertain to your market and business. This enables you to avoid sharing memes or articles that can start a contentious debate and attract a few trolls.

5. Assign the responsibility for “social media management”

An onslaught of unfavorable comments may be too much for you to handle; in that case, engage a social media manager. This is the best course of action in any case because the social media manager can give your sites their full attention and manage them effectively.

6. Act like a bigger person.

Being the bigger person in a situation is the best course of action occasionally. Consider the troll’s comment after reading it a few times, and then come up with a reasoned response. It’s the ideal response for a troll when combined with a tone of extreme respect.

Remember that there’s a good chance the troll may respond with something dangerous. Once you’ve responded, just keep quiet and don’t pay them any attention.

7. Be patient when responding.

Trolls have a propensity of enticing you into playing a joke in order to get you to respond. If you find yourself enraged and ready to retaliate against a troll, stop and reconsider. Breathe deeply a few times, center yourself, and consider what you want to say. A thoughtful response is always preferable to a hasty one and is also safer.

8. Block and Report

It is best to conceal and delete someone’s remarks if they frequently engage in hate speech. If the troublemaker resurfaces, block and report their profile right away. You don’t want any offensive graffiti on the pages of your brand, do you? So sometimes you have to make a difficult decision and accept the outcome.

9. Troll back, baby!

No, we do not support trolling in any way. Having said that, there are occasions when you must administer the malevolent trolls a dose of their own poison. There is no harm in attempting that if reacting to the troll with something witty fits your business image. However, you should take care to plan this action thoroughly before doing it.

You’ll have an easier time warding off the trolls if you incorporate these tactics into your plan of attack. There are several fantastic social media management solutions that have unique capabilities to keep track of interactions, making it simpler for you to identify trolls early on. Do try those as well.

How To Get Instagram Followers

As a new brand, getting your first 1000 followers on Instagram might seem somewhat tricky. But how are other brands doing it? How do you get Instagram followers fast without having to break the bank?

Believe it or not, the days of buying likes and followers are long gone as they do more harm than good to your brand. They might give the illusion of engagement and growth, but they wouldn’t do you any favors other than pat your ego.

Your aim, however, should be valuable Instagram followers who care about your brand and what you have to offer. So, here are some of the ways to get Instagram followers, FAST!

  1. Optimize your Instagram account

First, you need to ensure your Instagram account reflects your brand. Without a bio, image captions, a memorable username, and a profile image, getting your target followers becomes a hurdle. Your bio and image are the foundation of your brand identity, and a link in your bio can drive Instagram traffic to your site when done well.

  1. Consistency

It is easy for your followers to forget they are following your brand, and that happens when you’re not consistent with your content calendar. Posting content at random is a bad habit you should do away with. By publishing a couple of times a day, you’d be surprised at how insane your brand grows. However, don’t overdo it to avoid spamming.

  1. Convertable hashtags

Over the years, hashtags have served as an incredible tool for discovery, and marketers are always on the lookout for more hashtags that convert. For starters, look for hashtags that are not too saturated or populated. For instance, the hashtag, #love has more than 185 million photos connected to it. Trying to stand out from a pool of millions of pictures and videos is no easy feat.

  1. Promote your Instagram account 

How would people know your account exists if you don’t promote it? There are numerous ways to promote your Instagram handle such as your website and other social handles. There are lots of tools that you can use to get more followers, like adding social media buttons on your website or even cross-promoting across your social media accounts like Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, etc.

  1. Post content followers want

If you want followers, you need to get the conversation started by posting content that appeals to your followers. Study some of your content and find out which ones perform better than others, then try to replicate them. That is why testing is important as it shows you what works and what doesn’t.

If growing your Instagram handle sounds like a lot of work, you should work with an expert to uncover what works for your brand. Feel free to give us a call or fill our contact form to begin.

The Marketing Power Of Instagram: Four Statistics That Will Shock You

Before the industrial revolution, no one would have imagined a world ruled by social media. We have undergone a fundamental shift in the way we do things, especially marketing our goods and services. Although print media has a role to play, social media giants like Instagram are here to stay.

As social media becomes an integral part of our lives, influencer marketing has skyrocketed. Instead of using print media or traditional ads, research has proved that people are more likely to take a recommendation from a familiar face.

To make a buying decision, people are now turning to their favorite Instagram stars, Twitter personalities, and even YouTubers for guidance. In this article, we’ll expose some insane Instagram statistics that will blow your mind.

  1. 71% of all American businesses use Instagram

Recently, Instagram dethroned Twitter as the best app to promote businesses, and the reason couldn’t be any more glaring. Large corporations, as well as professionals, are finding great success promoting their goods and services using Instagram.

If 71% of businesses in the US use Instagram, why shouldn’t you? Many believe that Instagram marketing is now the holy grail of marketing, due to the number of potentials it has in the promotion of a business.

  1. 2 million monthly advertisers

Another Instagram stat that will blow your mind is the fact that over 2 million advertisers use the platform every month to promote their business. You probably have seen them in action as you scroll past these sponsored posts on your feed.

Instagram is inarguably one of the best marketing channels at the moment, and you can get your offers to your ideal audience without breaking a sweat. With 2 million advertisers, what are you waiting for to join the wagon?

  1. 70% of teens trust influencers more than traditional celebrities

We’re now in the era of influencers, where more and more people are getting drawn to mid-influencers due to their expertise and experience compared to celebrities. For this reason, businesses are utilizing influencers when it comes to getting their goods and services out there.

Think about it, 4 in 10 Millennial subscribers believe that their favorite influencer is better than their friends. With this amount of trust, there is no doubt why brands are spending billions yearly on influencers marketing.

  1. Increase spend on influencer marketing

When you get results from a marketing strategy, it is pretty normal to try it again and again. Most brands and marketers are getting incredible results from influencer marketing, and they are not backing down any time soon.

About 71% of marketers are planning to increase their budget in the coming 12 months, both for creating awareness, and customer acquisition. If you’re yet to tap into the mind-boggling power of Instagram, waste no further time. Get in touch with an expert by calling right now, or perhaps fill our contact form to begin.

Build Your Brand Around A Facebook Group

Building your brand around a Facebook group might seem like a daunting endeavor, but the benefits exceed the stress in the long run. However, some brands reason that they don’t need a group since they already have a page. But a group comes with its special perks, and you will be making a mistake overlooking building a Facebook group for your brand.

Unlike a Facebook page, a group help deepen the connection and bond you have with your target market by creating a community of people who share the same interest. Going forward, you’re able to imprint your brand in the mind of your customers.

Here is how you can build a Facebook group around your brand:

  1. Determine the purpose

Before you create a Facebook group, you need a focus, a purpose – something that the group will center on. Nothing in this world is without purpose, and neither is your Facebook group. The first step to creating a formidable brand using a Facebook group is to grace it with a unique goal.

When you have determined the goal of your group, only then will you attract like-minds who interact with each other daily toward a higher goal. The stronger and better the community, the more your business grows as a brand.

To determine the purpose to pursue, some questions you need to answer includes:

  1. Understand your audience

You probably have a detailed idea of your customer persona. That is, who they are and where you can find them. With this, promoting your group becomes easier since you know the ideal medium to attract them.

There are numerous ways to reach your ideal audiences, such as your Facebook page, cross-promotion with similar groups, a simple invite, newsletters, LinkedIn bio, influencer shoutouts, Facebook ads, and even incentive programs.

  1. Content, Content, More Content

At the growing stage of your group, you need to set the pace by keeping your audience engaged with quality content. Only the right content will help you build a healthy community that will grow organically.

However, you must create original content, as lifting posts from other sources can dent the reputation you’re trying to build. As your group groups, don’t forget to monitor the metrics as they help you understand what works and what doesn’t.

If you’re able to offer value to your audience and remain on course, your audiences are more likely to take the cue from you and contribute value. To know more about building your brand using a Facebook group, talk to an expert by calling or filling our contact form.

How Often Should Your Business Be Posting On Social Media?

“How often should your business post on social media?”

It might seem like a pretty basic question, but becomes complicated when you dive into the activity. In this post, you’re going to learn how many social posts a day your business needs to improve engagement and conversion.

Since social media is part of the core of the internet, it makes sense not to overlook this medium when embarking on any marketing endeavor. Posting too often will overwhelm and repulse your followers while posting too little might not give you the needed exposure your brand needs

To hit a sweet spot, there is a need to look at a few studies to uncover the ideal number of times your business should be posting on social media. Take note that the frequency of posts varies from one social media to another since they all have what makes them distinct from each other.

How often to post on Facebook?

Facebook is inarguable the giant of social media and could be used to pull in insane traffic that translates to sales. But, how often should your business post on Facebook? Some markets may argue that two posts a day is the sweet spot, but the data tells us otherwise.

According to a study by Hubspot, brands with more than ten thousand followers saw an increase in clicks when they posted more than once a day, while brands with less than ten thousand followers received 50% fewer clicks.

However, brands that post one to five times a month saw a double increase in engagement. A logical answer when posting on Facebook is to stick to one post a day, or five posts per week for the best result.

How often to post on Twitter

When it comes to Twitter, the game changes a little bit, and the reason is this – the average lifetime of a tweet is fifteen to twenty minutes. After this time duration, your follower’s feeds are likely to get tons of other tweets from their friends or other favorite brands, pushing your sweet little tweet down into oblivion.

The trick when it comes to Twitter is posting periodically throughout the day. Moderation is key, cause overwhelming your followers with tons of tweets might even cause them to unfollow you. A sweet spot as long as Twitter is concerned is three to five tweets a day.

How often to post on Instagram and LinkedIn

Instagram is another different ball game and can be somewhat intimidating for brands since it’s visually centric. What determines how often you post on Instagram is your audience size and expectation.

Some brands only post an average of 1.5 times a day. Neil Patel, however, believes that the key to Instagram engagement is consistency. LinkedIn, on the other hand, performs best at one post every business day.

To know more, or perhaps work with an expert on social media marketing of any sort, give us a call, or fill our contact form to begin.

Tips For Creating Content Your Audience Will Want To Share

Online content, whether posted on a website, a blog, or a social media platform, has unlimited potential for your brand. The power of social media platforms in particular is twofold: 

When consumers interact with and share content you’ve created, they become your advocates online, serving as a digital word of mouth that indirectly promotes you. Creating and posting highly shareable content can provide you with a wider, more natural reach than paid advertising alone.

Each post should be carefully curated or designed to appeal to your ideal customer, and launched with a call to action to kickstart conversation and sharing. Before posting content to social media or your blog, ask yourself:

Is this Content Relevant?

Your audience craves content that they can relate to, that they can click on to share and add a simple “This is me” or “So true!” comment to in the space of a few seconds.  Content that is relevant to your audience will be easy to identify with, whether it is designed to commiserate with a certain type of feeling, provide a solution to a common problem, or inspire them.   

Is there a Call to Action?

Even the best content can miss out on a share if the user doesn’t think about clicking that button. Don’t forget to encourage your viewers to share your content. Remind them to “Tag a friend this applies to!” or ask “How many of your friends can relate?”

Is the Content Right for the Platform?

Visual content works best for engagement, but posting an image that works well on Facebook doesn’t mean it will work as well on Instagram or twitter. Adapt your content to make it platform friendly, and don’t forget to follow best practices for image sizing or video length. 

Is the Content Original?

While it’s easy to simply share a popular, trending meme, you can boost engagement and avoid boring your audience by adapting a popular topic to drive home a new point. Making shareable content requires being able to innovate and be creative, not just pass on whatever is the latest meme making the rounds. 

When your audience is able to both recognizes and relate to your online posts, they’ll be swift to share your content to their own feeds. An active online presence not only can raise brand visibility, but can directly impact customer retention, leading to higher customer lifetime values. It’s a type of ROI that is trickier to measure, but is not any less important for your organization. 

The History Of Social Media Platforms

Social media is a rapidly growing marketing medium that is on the verge of becoming more significant to the average consumer than search engines. While platforms such as Facebook are not in any imminent danger of putting search engines like Google out of business, it is interesting to note that more and more people do their informational searches on social media platforms these days. How did we get here? What is the condensed history of the social media medium?

The Beginning Of It All

In 1997, the first ever social media platform called Six Degrees was started. It lasted until 2001, and laid the foundation for social media platforms of the future. Users could register to have an account, but even people who did not register for accounts could see and interact with user posts. It is said that the rising popularity of chat platforms helped to bring an end to Six Degrees, but social media was only getting started.


The first massively popular social media platform was released in the early 2000s and it was called MySpace. Users seemed to love the idea of being able to communicate with each other and personalize their profiles with pictures and colors. At the same time that MySpace was getting underway, LinkedIn was created as a social network for business professionals. MySpace eventually lost its popularity and has since become a social network for musicians, but LinkedIn remains popular with its original format to this day.

Facebook And Twitter

In 2004, Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg released a social media platform he called Facebook, but it only existed on Harvard’s university computer network. It did not take long for Zuckerberg to realize that he could increase the popularity of his website by making it available to the public, so he did. In 2006, Twitter was released with the idea that people could convey their ideas with either images or text messages that were only 140 characters long. Facebook brought the world together, and Twitter became an important source for the latest information for millions of people.

Images And More Images

The popularity of images on Twitter helped to spur the creation of a series of new social media platforms around 2010. Flickr and Instagram got their start at the very earliest point of image-centric social media platforms, and both are still very popular today. The popularity of niche social media platforms such as the image-centric ones inspired other niches such as food reviews, music, and home improvement and crafts.

Today, there are many new social media platforms being introduced that all seem to be breaking down the idea of social media into endless small niches. Over the past few years, the growing number of social media options for users means that social media platforms are starting to develop dedicated target audiences that are making it easier for marketing experts to formulate social media marketing plans that work.