Get Your Free Website Audit
Does your business website suck?
We'll let you know if it does, what you can do to fix it and tips on how to make it suck less or possibly even not at all.
You Will Get..
A 100% personalized review of your website
What will make your website rank higher on Google
What is slowing down your website
Don’t worry, we hate pushy sales people more than you do.
Get Your Free Website Audit
We make your website your best salesperson
Your businesses website says more about your company than you might think.

Your website should not only be pleasing to the eyes from an aesthetic standpoint, but it must also be responsive and quick to load, in order to ensure your visitors’ user experience meets their expectations. Web design, most importantly, is meant to gather quality leads and facilitate converting them into paying clients.
It takes 0.05 seconds to capture your audiences’ attention
- Google Research, 2023 
staten island seo
What You Get With A Tom&Co. Website
Everything You Need For A Website That Represents Your Brand

Beautiful Websites That Tell Your Story

Your website is a reflection of your brand. Our team makes sure your website showcases your businesses personality, setting you apart from the competition.
All The Work 99.9% Done For You
We know your busy & don't have time for extra marketing work. Over the years we have seen which parts of the process hold up projects, so we built a system to take all the burden off of you.
Actual Support from Real Live People
It feels like customer service sucks everywhere. Everywhere but Tom&Co. We don't use call centers or an auto attendant. When you call us, an actual person IN THE OFFICE will pick up the phone. Shocking!
A Website That Will Rank on Google & Generate Leads
Core Web Vitals are important for SEO, as they can help give your website more recognition and keep it organized and clean. These vitals can help improve your website's visibility and ranking in search engines, as well as give your audience a hassle-free experience while browsing your page.