Social Media Management

Distributing and leveraging content via complementary media platforms will give your brand access to a range of tuned-in consumers, thereby driving business.
The channels where you can offer different products, services and build brand recognition are plentiful in this day and age. Let us coordinate it for you. We can write blogs, publish Tweets, generate emails, and update social networking feeds. Your company will gain website traffic and exponential attention. It’s the marketer’s dream – be dynamic, influence millions.

We specifically build all our websites and blogs to tie directly into the social media websites of your choice to populate the content on those sites automatically whenever something new is posted on your website. This keeps your social network sites up-do-date, continues to build a loyal social network following, and saves you crazy amounts of time by allowing you to update your site and all your social network sites by submitting your new content only once. Light a flame under your social media marketing program with such things as; special offers, fresh content, interesting video, eye-catching pictures, affiliate programs, and more.
Social media provides an amplified channel for word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth, is one of the most trusted means for a consumer to hear about a brand. We will help humanize your brand so that you can speak to consumers via social media, a virtual form of word-of-mouth. Developing trust with your consumer will take two-way interaction across social media channels as well as quality content and posts. It’s important to realize that social media is not only about posting to different platforms but also engaging with your audience across these platforms. This can mean responding to a review online, answering a private message, or liking people’s comments on your own posts
With over 1.5 billion monthly users, Facebook is still the most popular social media platform (Pew Research Center). This means that there is a very likely chance your consumers and prospects are on this channel. We understand what kind of image sizes work best for different platforms, including Facebook, and know how to write content that will help you engage with your audience. By making your Facebook a business page, you lend more credibility to your brand
Often described as the business version of Facebook, LinkedIn is a social media platform built for professional networking. This can include the networking and expansion of yourself as a business owner and your business. By sharing content to your LinkedIn we are promoting you as a knowledgeable expert in your industry that is up-to-date on the latest trends. Sharing content from your website or other social media platforms tied to your business has the added benefit of promoting your business.
Another way for consumers and businesses to communicate with one another is via Twitter. According to Brandwatch, the average Twitter user follows five businesses and 77% of Twitter users feel more positive about a brand when their tweet has been replied to. Keeping your business active on social media and engaged with audiences is an important way to keep your business at the forefront of users minds as well as maintain and build a positive reputation.
Instagram as a social media platform is known primarily as a visual-based channel. This is a prime opportunity to show off the aesthetics of your company whether it is your products, your company events, your promotions, or a combination of those and more. Ultimately, whatever your business posts on Instagram needs to be appealing and high quality in order to build a following.

This is just the beginning. The list of popular social networking sites goes on and on. Contact us to get started.
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