Five Reasons To Hire A Direct Mail Company

Every once in a while we will get a print job from a customer that is set up to be a direct mailing project. We always offer our services as direct mail experts, but occasionally clients will decline to let us handle their direct mail campaigns. To put it bluntly, your direct mail campaign needs a professional marketing company to execute it if it is going to be successful.

You could try your hand at putting together your own direct mail program, but trial and error will cost you a lot of money. We will maximize the return on your investment by using our professional experience to get you results beyond what you had expected. There are five good reasons why you need a professional direct mail program and we are just the company to deliver that program to you.

Your Mailing List Is Dangerous

A bad direct mail mailing list can do a lot more harm than good, which is why we spend a lot of time creating a list that will get you the results you need. Are you sure that every contact on that list you bought is current? Are you absolutely certain that every contact on that list you bought wants to see your mailer?

As a professional marketing company, we spend a lot of time checking our mailing lists and creating accurate mailing categories. All of our contacts have opted-in to receive marketing mailers, which means that we know that our mailing list will read your mailer.

Your Self-Designed Mailer Is Ineffective

You have exactly three seconds after your mailer is opened to convince your recipient to keep on reading. We know a whole volume of tactics we can use to make sure that your mailer gets read by the widest possible audience. Your self-designed mailer may or may not get people’s interest because you are not sure about the marketing side of creating mailers. We make it our business to know marketing and that is why our mailers are effective.

Your Self-Designed Mailer Looks Unprofessional

As a marketing company, we understand the different formats and information that people are looking for from professional marketing information. If your self-designed mailer does not have everything that people are expecting and in a format that looks professional, then your mailer and your company will get disregarded.

Your Campaign Lacks Focus

One of the biggest misconceptions that our clients have about direct mailers is that they can send out a bunch of general product brochures and the orders will start rolling in. Direct mailers, just like any other form of marketing, must have a focused message and purpose or else they will have no effect.

You Have No Idea How To Measure The Progress Of Your Campaign

What metrics will you use to determine if you received good return on your direct mailer investment? Do you have a system in place that allows you to determine when mailers are being used by your customers? What numbers are you generating that will help you to create more effective mailers in the future?

Without a way to measure the success of your direct mail campaign, then your entire campaign is a waste of money. We know how to create direct mailer metrics and we will show you how to determine whether or not each campaign was a success.

There is much more to a good direct mailer campaign than just putting some brochures in the mail and waiting for the phone to ring. If you want to get the maximum return on your direct mailer investment, then you need to hire our marketing professionals to get your program off the ground.