6 Questions You Must Ask Your AdWords Digital Agency

There are a lot of digital agencies out there that do plenty of business using Google AdWords, and that makes choosing an agency hard for a customer. The best approach a customer can take is to develop standard questions to ask the agencies they are considering work for and then compare the answers they get. When you ask the right questions, it becomes easier to find the agency that will give you the best results on Google AdWords.

Do You Show Me How My Money Is Spent?

Some agencies deliver detailed reports on how a customer’s budget is spent on AdWords, while others ask customers to pay a standard rate and then the customer never sees how their money is spent. To be honest, both approaches can work just fine, provided you are getting results. But if you are the kind of company that likes to see where its money goes, then you will want to work with an agency that is more transparent.

Is Your Agency A Registered Google Partner?

There are always advantages to being an insider, and that is very true when it comes to Google AdWords. A digital agency does not need to be a registered Google partner to be able to deliver an effective AdWords service, but being a partner does give an agency an inside track on the latest tools and trends that can get you better results.

What Types Of Reports Do You Offer?

A comprehensive digital agency generates a lot of reports when it does campaigns on Google AdWords. As a customer, you should expect that your Google AdWords agency will not only give you copies of the most essential reports, but they will also take the time to show you how to read those reports. This is where you see how effective your Google AdWords advertising is, and it is important that you know this information.

How Does Google AdWords Fit With My Company’s Business Needs?

This is a strategy question that you must ask if you want to find the right partner. Some companies have Google AdWords templates they use that offer canned results, which can often be stale. You want to find a dynamic Google AdWords partner who will develop a plan that specifically fits your business, and will use Google AdWords to its maximum potential.

What Are Your In-Process Budget Strategies?

When it comes time to adjust the Google AdWords campaign budget, how does the digital agency you are talking to approach that process? This is a legitimate question that will show you whether or not the agency you are talking to has multiple levels of transparency, or if they like to keep secrets from clients.

Are There Any Other Fees?

Every digital agency has a its own fee schedule that affects how much your bill will be. This is not a question intended to expose the digital agency you are talking to. All you are doing here is finding out what kinds of fees you can expect to pay.

Google AdWords is still one of the most effective marketing tools available for websites all over the world. Before you invest in the services of a digital agency to run your Google AdWords campaigns, you should ask some standard questions that will give you the answers you need to make the right decision.