How Important Are Google Reviews?

Google is always trying to evolve into the ultimate online service for anything that users would ever need and that includes honest reviews for businesses. Google reviews have been around for several years and they are one of the best kept secrets in the Internet marketing world.

What Are Google Reviews?

Google reviews are business reviews submitted by real customers about real businesses. Customers can apply one to five stars to indicate the quality of service and a composite score for those reviews appears whenever the business’ profile shows up in local search results. With Google reviews, Google has developed what it feels is the ultimate review system.

How Do Customers Use Google Reviews?

In order for your business to get Google reviews from clients, your business must have an active profile on Google+. Your customers must also have an active profile on Google+ in order to submit reviews about your business. Unfortunately, the need for a Google+ account to utilize Google reviews has not caused a significant rise in Google+ registration. That means that, while it would be nice to get reviews from your clients, it may not happen very much because your clients simply do not use Google+.

Why Are Google Reviews Important?

Google reviews are important because they rank businesses based on the number and quality of the reviews the businesses get. Whenever your business shows up in Google’s local business search results, a quick snapshot of your Google reviews accompanies your company profile in the search listings. That means that Google reviews not only determine where your business shows up in Google search results, they can also help to make your business appear to be more reputable than the competition. When it comes to getting new customers, Google reviews can be extremely powerful.

How Do I Start Getting Google Reviews?

ASK FOR THEM! If you do a great job for your clients they will want to leave you reviews so the key is just to ask. The good thing about Google reviews is that anyone can see them, whether they are on Google+ or not. Since the number and quality of your Google reviews has a direct effect on where your business shows up in the Google search results, it is a good idea to start implementing a Google reviews strategy in your Internet marketing plan.

Google reviews is an attempt by Google to make its Google+ social network more relevant. Whether you like Google+ or not, the broad-reaching effects of getting positive Google reviews means that you should get your company a Google+ account and plan on having a professional Internet marketing company put a Google reviews program together for you. Google reviews can be the thing that separates your business from the competition in the Google results pages.