Marketing Tips & Tricks For Selling To Millennials

The generation known as Millennials is becoming one of the most highly-coveted group among marketing experts and advertisers. This is a large group that has money to spend and has shown that it is not afraid to use its money to get what it wants. But Millennials are also highly opinionated, educated, and connected to each other. If you want to reach Millennials in your marketing approach, then you will need to understand what they want, and the best ways to communicate with them.


Not too long ago, marketing experts thought that Millennials wanted to see videos everywhere when it came to finding new products and companies. The result was a rash of pop-up videos that would impose themselves onto every web page Millennials would read, and eventually become a nuisance.

Video is still the fastest growing medium on the Internet and it is still very popular with Millennials, but you will get nowhere with your audience if you over-saturate your website with videos. You need to do market research and determine what types of videos Millennials are responding to and where those videos are to be placed to be most effective.

Live Streaming

New apps such as Periscope have made live streaming extremely popular among Millennials. It started out with the seven-second vine videos, and then erupted into everyone posting live feeds from their phones of news events as they occur, and other topics of interest.

Right now, you could say that live streaming is a novelty, but smart marketing experts are refining it and turning it into a strong marketing tool to reach Millennials. Are we headed towards a day when there will be live streaming commercials for new products? That very well could be where marketing to Millennials is headed.

Animated GIFs and Memes

One of the marketing trends that has remained consistent with Millennials is that novelties seem to take on a new level of importance with younger generations. Animated GIFs and memes are devices used on social media to make posts more interesting, but they are also becoming part of marketing programs directed at Millennials.

An example of how far the animated GIF trend is going can be found in a new feature on some smartphones called animated pictures. These are pictures that have four or five seconds of animation instead of just capturing a static moment, and they are becoming extremely popular. As for memes from social media, they are starting to show up in print advertising that is obviously directed at Millennials.

Leave No Stone Unturned

Marketing experts studying Millennials are learning that online marketing is not the only way to reach this vast target audience. Millennials respond just as well to offline advertising as they do online marketing, and a complete Millennial marketing package includes plenty of newspaper and magazine print advertising to go along with the social media management activities.

It takes time to really understand any target audience, and that is especially true when you have an audience as diverse as Millennials. This is the generation that will be getting the attention of every marketing professional in the digital world for a long time to come, so it is a good idea to understand the trends now and know how to sell your company and products to Millennials.

5 Ways To Reach Your Target Market Online

One of the biggest misconceptions business owners have is that they can put up a couple of online ads and they should be able to reach their target audience. Getting your marketing message to your target audience online requires the same level of expertise necessary to effectively deliver any type of offline message. You need an experienced digital agency to reach your target audience online, and there are several methods your agency will use to get the best possible results.

Follow The Numbers

Good marketing is based on solid statistics gathered during the market research portion of any campaign. It is estimated that every Internet user spends approximately 22 percent of their time online interacting with social media websites. That means that it is in your best interest to invest your resources in social media marketing, but you are not quite done with the numbers just yet.

As you analyze your target audience, you need to see which types of social media platforms they use most often. You also need to determine what type of content your target audience interacts with most frequently. Does your target audience like to look at pictures or watch videos? The numbers you gather will give you these answers and help you to create an effective online marketing campaign.

Go With Facebook

Each social media platform has its own demographic, but Facebook remains the most popular social media platform on the Internet. One of the great things about Facebook is that it offers a wide array of data for people who own business pages to use when developing effective Facebook ads.

Facebook is also able to break down its own user population into criteria that will help you to identify your target audience. You can use Facebook’s online ad program to map out the precise profile of your target audience, and then develop ads your audience will want to read.

Valuable Content Marketing

When Google demanded that all online content have value to its readers, that should have acted as an “ah ha!” moment for company owners. Instead of focusing in on keywords, Google now wants to offer the most valuable content to its users. That means that website owners should now be focusing on developing premium content marketing programs that will reach their target audience directly.

You can use your market research data to determine exactly what kind of content your target audience will read, and then develop content that will appeal to your audience. You should be able to use Google’s emphasis on valuable content as a way to get your content marketing material in front of your target audience more effectively.

Use Video

These days, website owners either use video too much, or they don’t use it enough. A measured use of video can be extremely effective, especially that video is entertaining and informative. Where website owners are going wrong is using pop-up videos that slow down a user’s experience, or in embedding advertising videos that automatically start the moment the user clicks on the page. Controlled use of video is an extremely effective way of reaching your target audience online.

Don’t Forget Mobile

Earlier in 2016, Google announced that mobile websites had to meet certain criteria to be seen on Google’s mobile search results. The days of asking customers to look at your standard website through the smaller mobile screen are over. If you want to reach your target audience, then you need to focus on developing a real mobile website.

A focused online marketing program executed by a professional digital agency is your best approach to reaching your target audience. With the right programs in place, you can get your marketing message directly to the customers who can have a positive impact on your business.

Your Website Is A Swiss Army Marketing Tool… USE IT

A good website is a mandatory marketing tool for any company, but that does not prevent many small businesses from either not having a website, or not updating their website regularly. These days, one of the first resources customers ask about when you mention your company is your website. If you want to bring in new customers and retain your current ones, then you need an effective website.

Not only is your website an effective marketing tool, it is also extremely versatile as well. You should consider your website to be a Swiss Army marketing tool, and you can maximize your marketing exposure if you use your website to its fullest potential.

Legitimize Your Business

If you do not have the web appliances of the most popular ratings websites available to your web traffic, then you are missing out on huge opportunity. From Yelp to Google Business, there are websites your customers can use to tell the world how wonderful your business is. Each time a new review is added that refers to your business, you can have it show up on your website and keep all of your new traffic updated on how great it is to be your customer.

A 24-Hour Sales Professional

Your website should be a sales professional that reaches a global audience 24-hours a day. Your website should have a library of reference documents that your customers can use anytime they want to learn more about your company, and an e-commerce segment of your website that is easy to navigate. An updated website can be your most successful sales professional, but it is only effective if you put in the time and effort to make sure that the information is always current.

A Website Keeps Your Loyal Customers Loyal

When you put the time and resources into making sure that your website is updated, then that helps your loyal customers to feel like you care about their needs. By offering constant information and updated support tools to your clients, you will help to enhance the bond you have with your customers without even having to pick up the phone.

Deliver Market Research Data

Your website is an excellent barometer for the popularity of your company and products in various geographic areas. You can also use analytical software to break down your traffic into various target audiences to see if it is a good idea to expand into new territory. You can also judge the effectiveness of new marketing campaigns, find very loyal customers to be a test group for new products, and stay ahead of consumer trends by keeping an eye on the treasure chest of market data your website offers.

It becomes easy to take your business website for granted, but it can be a steady source of revenue if you just put in the time and effort to keep it updated. Your website represents your company to the world and, when it is utilized properly, it can be one of the most powerful marketing tools your company will ever have.