Five Marketing Strategies To Use Starting In 2016

As each new year approaches, business professionals tend to look back on the current year to consider correcting their failures and replicating their successes. The key to business success is to always look to the future, but use your experience as the foundation for making good decisions. With marketing, we can take what we learned in 2015 and apply it to more successful tactics for 2016 and beyond.

Update Your Elevator Speech And Use It In More Places

When was the last time you took out the written text of your elevator speech and updated it to match the changes that have occurred with your company in the last year? If you don’t have your elevator speech written out, then you should take the time to write it down and then update it.

When was the last time you put your elevator speech up on Twitter or any of the other social media platforms? Have you ever considered putting your elevator speech on the back of your business card? Your elevator speech should be the key to introducing your company to new customers, and you should use it more in 2016.

Update Your Company’s Brochure

If you have never had a general company brochure that you hand out to prospects and clients, then 2016 will be the year that you finally get one. If you do have a general company brochure, then work with your Internet marketing company to update the information in your brochure and make it more effective.

The simple fact is that handing out a color brochure to people who are interested in your company is more impressive than writing down a website address. People can read the brochure whenever they want, and there are no pop-up ads to take away from your brochure’s marketing impact.

Get New Business Cards

A new business card design for 2016 will invigorate your current customers and help impress your prospects. You will also have the chance to add important information to your business card such as your social media contact information and anything else that is currently not on the business cards you are using in 2015.

Clean Up Your Website

The start of a new year is the perfect time to hire a good Internet marketing company and have them clean up your website. No matter how effective you think you are as a webmaster, you are missing details that are frustrating your traffic and costing you precious rankings on the search engines. A professional Internet marketing company will clean up the coding on your site, get rid of dead links and make your site a hit in 2016.

Get To More Trade Shows

The only business resolution you need to make for 2016 is to participate in more trade shows with an improved trade show booth. Trade shows are great places to make new industry contacts, find new clients and network with the people who will make your business more successful. You already realize a positive return on the investment you make in the trade shows you participate in now, so it is time to increase that return by doing more shows.

In order to stay competitive in your marketplace, you need to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to marketing. The more you do now to get ready for 2016, the more profit you will be able to add to your bottom line.