Must-Haves For Your Website in 2015

Now that 2014 has transitioned into 2015, things feel pretty much the same, right? If you work in the marketing world, then you know that things are changing rapidly and what worked in 2014 is probably not going to work in 2015. Your most significant marketing tool, is going to need to have certain features if it is going to be successful in 2015. As marketing experts, we know what your website needs and we are prepared to help you gain more revenue in the coming year.

A Robust Mobile Site

The days of a mobile site that is all text and no character are long gone. Our experts are designing robust mobile sites that offer much the same functionality as a standard website offers. The e-commerce tools need to be very similar and the look of your mobile site also needs to match your standard site in as many ways as possible.

More people are accessing the Internet through smartphones and tablets than they are desktops and laptops, which means that more online commerce is happening with mobile sites. You need a robust mobile site to take advantage of the revenue available in 2015 and we are ready to help.

New Content

One of the hardest jobs we have is telling our customers that the reality of 2015 is that they need new content for their website. Many people just bought new content a couple of years ago and do not see why they need to change again so soon.

If your content is two years old or older, then it was created using Google rules that no longer exist. That keyword-rich content that was driving so much traffic to your site is now being rejected by Google and needs to be changed. It is hard to hear, but you need new content for your site.

Social Media Tie-Ins

There used to be a time when we would tell customers that if their business did not have a website, then that business might as well not exist. Well, now that has changed to us saying that if you do not have a social media presence tied-in to your website, then your website might as well not exist.

It is taken for granted that your company has a website. The dynamic portion of your Internet presence these days is your social media presence. You need a social media manager to make sure that your social media pages are active and pointing traffic to your site. Social media management is something we do and we do it very well.


No matter what your website offers, it needs video in 2015 to attract and retain traffic. Internet users have become infatuated with video and they want to see it on every site they use. You can start including video product presentations on your site to enhance your sales, or you can include video tutorials to help customers service their products on their own. No matter what kind of video you offer, you need video in 2015.

These can all seem like pretty hefty challenges for 2015, but our marketing experts are prepared to help your website ring in the New Year with more traffic and more revenue. Just give us a call and we will show you how we can make your website compatible with 2015.

and with that, here is our first web video for 2015 🙂