Good Reasons Why You Should Use WordPress

A content management system (CMS) makes it easier to develop and grow a website, even for people who have little to no website development experience. The most popular CMS in the world is WordPress, but its popularity is often a mystery to most people because they don’t understand WordPress. If you are considering building your own website, then you may want to check into the benefits that WordPress has to offer.

It’s Free

WordPress is popular because it is comprehensive and it is free. You can download WordPress for yourself at no cost, and you will get the fully functional version of WordPress to use. Not only is the CMS software free, but you can also get a wide range of free plugins that will allow you to add functionality to your website that you want.

WordPress allows you to create a professional looking website, add ecommerce functions, include tables and graphs, and it is all free. When you are trying to develop a professional website, free is the kind of price you want from your major components.

It’s Robust

The majority of website designers use WordPress because it has one of the most powerful content management components in the industry. You can add, archive, edit, and manipulate content any way you like with WordPress. You can also include SEO tags and other SEO tools in WordPress that will bring your website more traffic.

WordPress is also extremely simple to customize to get any look you want from your website. You can use one of the many templates that are available to get your site looking the way you want, or you can customize a template to get a unique look.

RSS Feeds

One of the most powerful SEO tools in the world is an RSS feed, and the WordPress CSM comes standard with an RSS feed you can use. When you utilize an RSS feed, your content is shared across the entire Internet, which significantly increases the chances that your content will go viral. A strong RSS feed also increases your position on search engine results pages, and can even put your page at the top of the first page of results.

It is worth your time to understand what an RSS feed is and how you would use it. It will not be long before you start to see your content shared on websites you didn’t even know existed, and that is the kind of exposure you want.

Develop Your Own URLs

WordPress allows you to create your own website addresses for all of your pages, which can significantly increase the SEO value of your site. You can give each page any name you want to give it, and you can also add titles and tags that will help to increase exposure.

Over the years, WordPress has developed into an extremely powerful CMS that is used as the foundation for some of the largest websites in the world. WordPress’ versatility and built-in SEO tools means that you can immediately add SEO power to your website and launch your site with plenty of traffic attracting features. Developers are constantly adding templates and add-ins for WordPress that allow it to remain the most popular CMS in the world.