WTF is Brand Recognition?

As we read through these blog posts we do our best to address as many important issues as possible because it is our job to keep you guys informed. One thing we noticed is that we spend a lot of time talking about improving your company’s brand name recognition, but we have spent almost no time explaining what brand name recognition is. Let’s change that right now.

What Is Brand Name Recognition?

Have you ever noticed that almost none of GEICO’s advertising mentions insurance? While other companies put together elaborate commercials that explain various risk situations and how they cover your losses for you, GEICO has a little talking lizard telling jokes on a boat outside of Seattle. Who’s insurance are you more likely to buy? You are more likely to buy GEICO’s because of the strong brand name recognition.

Brand name recognition is the instant notoriety of your logo or company name by people who see it. The more you spend to market your company name and logo, the stronger your brand name recognition. We are experts in creating brand name recognition through our online and offline marketing programs and we know how to get your company the attention it deserves.

Does Brand Name Recognition Replace Quality?

We have to assume that GEICO offers quality insurance services because the company has been around for decade. People buy their athletic footwear based solely on which sneakers have the Nike swoosh on them, but those Nike sneakers also happen to be very high quality products as well.

We can build up your brand name recognition in your marketplace to the point where people are buying your products because they are familiar with your company name, but you need to provide quality products and services if you want to keep those sales coming in. Brand name recognition and quality product and service offerings work hand in hand to make your company an industry leader.

Why Should I Care About Brand Name Recognition?

What is your favorite soda pop? When you go to the store to buy soda pop, you are given choices but you always choose your favorite brand. Over the course of many years, you become fiercely loyal to that brand and would never even think of changing brands.

Brand name recognition helps to start the process of brand loyalty by giving consumers a good reason to buy products without actually knowing the quality of those products. A consumer may see your product and see your competition side by side, but your strong brand name recognition means that the customer buys your product. When the customer is satisfied with the quality of your product, then that establishes the loyalty which creates another repeat customer.

When you have such strong brand name recognition that you sell products to new customers based solely on your name, then you enhance the value of your marketing and give professional marketing experts like us a lot to work with. It significantly increases the return on your marketing investment and makes breaking into new markets much easier.

Our marketing professionals are ready to talk to you about a brand name recognition program that we can put together using our services. We will get your name into your target audience and make you a household name in your industry. Then we will show you how we build on that brand name recognition to turn your company into an industry leader.

Use Your Brochure To Introduce Your Company

How often have you been asked to describe what your company does, and no matter how hard you try, you still wind up with blank looks from your audience? But the moment you bring out a brochure, you suddenly see your audience’s eyes light up with understanding. 

A brochure is more than just some marketing piece you give away at trade shows. It is often the first impression that your company gets to make on potential new clients. That is why a good brochure needs to be designed properly to create the most effective presentation.

What should be included in a brochure?

Have Relevant And Vibrant Pictures

A brochure is an 8 1/2-inch by 11-inch piece of paper folded in two spots. Every square inch of space on that brochure needs to be used wisely. Your pictures need to get people’s attention and tell your company’s story. Make sure your pictures are colorful, vibrant, and pertinent to the topic in your brochure. Do not waste the space you use when you include pictures in your brochure.

Your Brochure Needs A Catchy Headline

Most people that you hand your brochure to will look it over quickly and say they will read it later. But when the front panel of your brochure has a catchy headline, that makes your brochure immediate and urgent. A good headline sets up the information inside the brochure and gets your audience needs to read all six panels.

Your Brochure Needs To Be Clearly Compartmentalized

You will notice that the most successful brochures have their information in boxes laid out strategically to create flow. It is much easier to get people to read your brochure when each piece of information has its own place that is easily defined. This is where the art of creating a brochure comes into play and why you need a professional marketing company to take care of it for you.

Your Brochure Needs To Be Focused

If the brochure you are creating will be designed as an introduction to new clients, explain what your company does and then offer benefits to the reader. Avoid including long segments about the company’s history or any of the company’s business policies. If your brochure is about a specific product or line, do not include information about other products. When you keep your brochure focused, your message is easier for your audience to read.

The Text Needs To Be Concise

A brochure is meant to deliver focused information on one particular subject. It is not supposed to tell a long story and contain much text. When you write the content for your brochure, keep the sentences short and to the point. Present your information in a clear and concise way and use a format that makes it easy to skim your information. Bullet lists, headings, and larger print all help to make a brochure more desirable to an audience.

A printed brochure is still one of the most effective pieces of marketing a company can utilize.

You should design brochures for your business by a professional brand design agency and get your message out to people who could be your best customers someday. That is the power of a good brochure.