What Is a Target Market (And How to Find Yours in 2023)

In the ever-changing landscape of business, understanding your target market is akin to having a secret weapon. At Tom&Co, we recognize the power of identifying and catering to the right audience. Join us in this comprehensive guide as we delve into what a target market is, why it’s crucial for your business, and how you can pinpoint yours effectively in 2023.
Understanding the Basics of a Target Market
Definition and Scope: Clarifying the concept of a target market and its vast implications on business strategies. Why It Matters: Exploring the transformative impact of knowing your audience intimately and crafting strategies accordingly. Difference Between Audience and Target Market: Navigating the nuances between a broad audience and a finely tuned target market, understanding their roles in business growth.
Benefits of Identifying a Target Market
Focused Marketing Efforts: Discussing the power of concentrating resources for maximum impact and efficiency. Improved Product Development: Exploring the art of tailoring products and services to meet specific needs and desires. Enhanced Customer Relationships: Building trust and loyalty by understanding and addressing your customers’ pain points. Increased ROI: Maximizing returns on investments by precisely targeting the right customer base.
How to Identify Your Target Market in 2023
Market Research Techniques: Unveiling the secrets of surveys, interviews, and advanced data analysis. Social Media Insights: Harnessing the power of social media analytics to decode customer behavior and preferences. Competitor Analysis: Learning from competitors’ successes and failures, understanding market gaps and customer preferences. Customer Feedback: Listening attentively to customer reviews, feedback, and complaints, turning them into valuable insights. Data-Driven Decision Making: Utilizing cutting-edge analytics tools for informed and strategic market segmentation.
Factors to Consider When Defining a Target Market
Demographics: Analyzing age, gender, location, income levels, and education to paint a detailed picture of your ideal customer. Psychographics: Understanding lifestyle, interests, values, and hobbies, uncovering the emotional triggers that drive purchasing decisions. Behavioral Patterns: Studying buying habits, product usage, brand loyalty, and online behavior for effective targeting. Technological Preferences: Adapting marketing strategies to align with customer devices, social media platforms, and online behavior.
Adapting to Changing Market Trends in 2023
Impact of Technology: Addressing the influence of AI, AR, and VR on customer preferences and crafting innovative marketing approaches. Evolving Social Media Landscape: Navigating new platforms and shifting user behavior for maximum online visibility and engagement. Sustainability and Ethical Concerns: Aligning your products and marketing with social and environmental values, appealing to conscious consumers.
Case Studies: Successful Target Market Identification Stories
Example 1: Exploring how Company X defined their niche market and increased sales by 30% through targeted marketing strategies. Example 2: Delving into Company Y’s journey of building customer loyalty by crafting personalized campaigns that resonated with their audience. Example 3: Understanding how Company Z adapted to tech-savvy millennials, tailoring products and services to capture the younger demographic effectively.
Overcoming Common Challenges in Identifying a Target Market
Data Overload: Streamlining data collection and focusing on key metrics to avoid drowning in information. Changing Consumer Behavior: Staying agile, adapting strategies in response to shifting trends, and leveraging technology for real-time insights. Budget Constraints: Implementing cost-effective market research techniques, maximizing resources without compromising quality.
In the competitive realm of business, understanding your target market isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity. By grasping the intricacies of your audience, you’re not just selling; you’re building relationships and fostering brand loyalty. At Tom&Co, we’re here to guide you through this journey. Start defining your target market today, and witness your business flourish in 2023!

Ready to Discover Your Perfect Audience and Catapult Your Business to New Heights? Contact Us at Tom&Co and Let’s Start Your Target Market Journey Together!

How To Do Market Research For Small Businesses

In the vibrant landscape of small businesses, understanding your market is not just a strategy; it’s a necessity. Market research empowers entrepreneurs with insights, guiding their decisions and fueling growth. At Tom&Co, we recognize the pivotal role market research plays. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll navigate you through the essential steps of conducting effective market research tailored specifically for small businesses.
Understanding the Basics of Market Research
Definition of Market Research: Market research demystified – what it is and why it matters. Types of Market Research: An introduction to primary and secondary research methods and their relevance in different scenarios. Market Research vs. Marketing Research: Clarifying the distinctions between these terms and their unique applications.
Identifying Your Market Research Objectives
Defining Clear Goals: Establishing precise objectives – the compass that guides your research efforts. Target Audience Analysis: Identifying the specific demographics and psychographics of your ideal customers. Problem Definition: Articulating the key challenges and questions your research aims to address.
Conducting Primary Market Research
Surveys and Questionnaires: Crafting effective surveys to gather quantitative data and customer opinions. Interviews: Navigating the art of in-depth interviews for qualitative insights and nuanced perspectives. Focus Groups: Orchestrating focus group discussions for interactive feedback and group dynamics. Observational Research: Learning from customer behavior in real-world scenarios, translating actions into insights.
Utilizing Secondary Market Research Sources
Government Databases: Accessing valuable data from government resources, enriching your market understanding. Industry Reports: Leveraging insights from industry reports, market analyses, and competitor research. Competitor Analysis: Studying competitors’ online presence, product offerings, and customer feedback for strategic advantage.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Quantitative Analysis: Crunching numbers and drawing conclusions from statistical data. Qualitative Analysis: Identifying patterns and themes from interviews and focus group discussions, gaining qualitative depth. Data Visualization: Presenting complex data in visually engaging formats for clear understanding and strategic decision-making.
Making Informed Business Decisions
SWOT Analysis: Integrating market research insights into SWOT analysis, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Identifying Market Trends: Navigating emerging trends and aligning business strategies to capitalize on market shifts. Customer Persona Development: Creating detailed customer personas from research data, fostering targeted marketing and personalized approaches.
Overcoming Common Market Research Challenges
Budget Constraints: Cost-effective market research strategies for small businesses, maximizing resources without compromising quality. Data Quality: Ensuring accuracy and reliability in data collection and analysis, enhancing the credibility of research findings. Ethical Considerations: Addressing ethical concerns related to market research, ensuring privacy, consent, and integrity in the process.
In the realm of small business, knowledge truly is power. Armed with the insights from market research, you’re not just making decisions; you’re making informed, strategic moves that drive success. Embrace market research as an ongoing journey, and let Tom&Co be your trusted companion. Your path to business brilliance starts with understanding your market. Start your research journey with us today.

Ready to Elevate Your Business through Market Research? Contact Tom&Co and Let’s Transform Your Insights into Business Brilliance!

Call to Action Ideas: Get Clicks — and Results

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, a compelling Call to Action (CTA) is your secret weapon. At Tom&Co, we recognize the pivotal role CTAs play in driving user engagement and conversions. Join us as we explore creative and impactful CTA ideas tailored specifically for small business owners, empowering you to transform clicks into meaningful results.
Crafting Compelling Call to Actions
Understanding the Psychology of CTAs: Dive into the psychology behind effective CTAs and learn how subtle tweaks can influence customer behavior and decision-making.
Elements of a Strong CTA: Explore the essential components of a powerful CTA, from clear language to strategic placement, design, and creating a sense of urgency.
The Power of Personalization: Learn how tailoring your CTAs for different audience segments can significantly enhance their effectiveness, leading to higher click-through rates and conversions.
Creative Call to Action Ideas
1. Interactive CTAs: Engage your audience with gamified CTAs that entertain while encouraging action, creating a memorable user experience.
2. Social Proof CTAs: Boost your credibility by incorporating customer testimonials and reviews, building trust and confidence in your offerings.
3. Urgency-Driven CTAs: Create a sense of urgency with limited-time offers and countdowns, compelling users to act swiftly and seize the opportunity.
4. Emotional Appeal CTAs: Elicit emotions through your CTAs, forging a deep connection with your audience and motivating them to respond on a personal level.
5. Storytelling CTAs: Craft compelling narratives within your CTAs, guiding users through a journey that resonates with their emotions, encouraging them to take action.
6. Value Proposition CTAs: Highlight the unique benefits and selling points of your products or services, clearly demonstrating the value users will gain by clicking through.
7. Social Media Sharing CTAs: Encourage users to share your content or special offers on social media platforms, extending your reach and attracting new customers.
Implementing CTAs Across Various Platforms
Website CTAs: Optimize your homepage, landing pages, and product pages with strategically placed and enticing CTAs to maximize user engagement.
Email CTAs: Craft compelling email CTAs that prompt readers to take action, directing them to relevant landing pages or special offers.
Social Media CTAs: Design click-worthy posts and bios, encouraging users to visit your website or engage with your content through well-crafted CTAs.
Blog Post CTAs: Seamlessly integrate CTAs within your informative content, guiding readers toward related products, services, or valuable resources.
Video CTAs: Utilize end screens, descriptions, and annotations in videos to drive viewers to specific actions, increasing engagement and conversions.
Measuring CTA Effectiveness
Utilizing Analytics Tools: Discover the power of analytics in tracking click-through rates, conversion rates, and user behavior, providing valuable insights for future campaigns.
A/B Testing CTAs: Experiment with different CTA variations to understand what resonates best with your audience, refining your approach for optimal results.
Analyzing Customer Feedback: Gather insights from customer surveys and feedback forms to gain a deeper understanding of user preferences and refine your CTAs accordingly.
Overcoming Common CTA Challenges
Overcoming Banner Blindness: Implement strategies to combat banner blindness, ensuring your CTAs are noticed and act as effective magnets for clicks.
Addressing CTA Fatigue: Rotate and refresh your CTAs strategically to maintain user interest and prevent fatigue, keeping your audience engaged and responsive.
Mobile Optimization: Ensure your CTAs are user-friendly and visually appealing on mobile devices, capturing the attention of users across various platforms seamlessly.
At Tom&Co, we believe that a well-crafted CTA can transform your digital presence and drive unparalleled results. By implementing these creative strategies, you’re not just inviting clicks; you’re inviting meaningful interactions and conversions.

Ready to Transform Your Clicks into Conversions? Let Tom&Co be your guide. Contact Us today, and let’s craft CTAs that resonate, engage, and convert. Your journey to digital success starts here!

How web design impacts content marketing

Content marketing is currently one of the most successful marketing strategies. It will help if you have a robust online marketing plan to make your marketing successful. And, believe it or not, your website design plays a significant role.

But how web design impacts content marketing? Well, You must be careful when developing your website or hiring a web design agency. Web design has an impact on various parts of your online business visibility. 

A company’s choice of design affects how a potential customer views them. The first impression of a brand depends upon various factors, including style and color selection. 

Thus, it means that poor design, or a lack of structure, may cause visitors to look for alternative firms. As a result, your company’s web design poorly affects various elements, especially content marketing.

Let us talk in detail how web design impacts content marketing today.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the process of producing valuable content that indirectly promotes a brand. It sparks readers’ interest by offering pertinent details related to the brand. Using content marketing to raise brand exposure and engagement is common practice. 

Also, it draws in customers or users, produces sales leads, or encourages sales and revenue. Content marketing is one of the most crucial components of search engine optimization (SEO), and as you SEO marketing strategy allows you to rank higher in search results.

How Web Design Impacts Content Marketing 

For brands, appearance is everything. The consumer is still at the center of everything in modern marketing. New tools and technology automate operations for efficiency or enhance analytics and data collection. 

Still, one can never deny the importance of web design in content marketing. Here are five ways that web design affects the success of content marketing.

Your Website is the Face of your Business 

A website is a digital business card, only more versatile. It is among the best platforms for increasing the consumer base. The public face of your business is your website. 

When potential consumers search for you or your company on Google, they land on your website. Building a solid and attractive website that offers the appropriate information and can persuade visitors to become clients is essential.

Looks are important. Your content and brand will be worth less on a website that doesn’t appear friendly. Even if the content is excellent, people won’t feel persuaded to stay and read it if it looks unpleasant.

Users are more selective about the information they read today due to the dozens of options available. They’ll use the expression, “judge the book by its cover.” They’ll form their first impression based on how you offer your content. This is how web design impacts content marketing.

Builds Trust and Credibility 

Credibility is one thing you’ll need to convert more website visitors. Customers can tell you are secure and reliable if you have credibility. Without it, it is hard to create more leads, sell more goods, or draw more visitors.

The legitimacy of a website is a problem for almost all businesses. Visitors to websites are suspicious right away. Unknown people are dangerous. It would be best to persuade website visitors before they are willing to place a wager on your company.

Visitors to your website are trying to find a cause to depart. In actuality, the majority of users exit online pages within 15 seconds. Websites with strong value propositions will keep visitors’ attention for longer.

Here are a few pointers to assist you in increasing the trust and trustworthiness of your website’s users.

Enhance Readability and Engagement 

Numerous factors affect readability. The font, spacing, colors, and pictures on a page will all affect how simple it is for users to read. High conversion rates are more likely to be the outcome of website readability.

Visitors won’t stay on a web page they don’t understand or find valuable for too long. They want to locate the information or data they require as soon as feasible. Hence, it’s crucial to have concise content and a design that makes it simple for readers to understand.

Everything on a website, including blog entries, service pages, landing pages, and price pages, must be readable.  It will help if you use an approachable manner to write all material on your website. This explains how web design impacts content marketing.

Utilizing online tools like Hemingway Editor is one method of evaluating readability. This tool assesses your content’s reading level based on the grade level. Additionally, it offers advice on how to make your text more readable.

Essential Tips to Increase Website Readability and Engagement

To improve your reading experience, consider the following suggestions for web design:

  • Make your fonts large. Online readers do best with larger fonts, ideally between 16 and 18 points.
  • Apply the correct line height. Ensure the line height is 100% of the chosen font size.
  • Think about the color contrast deeply. A wise color scheme displays text well to readers.
  • Make content that users can scan at first sight. Be mindful of the sentence length, and utilize headings and bullet points whenever possible. 

Boosts Conversion 

Having a beautiful website is only one aspect of web design. It also involves employing the appropriate visual or written elements to persuade visitors to take action. Content marketing draws users to a website. 

Adding visual components like photos, animations, videos, GIFs, and forms boosts user interaction with the pages. You can also add optical elements like movies, charts, and infographics, to make the material more attractive for your readers.

Check if the web design is adjusted to accommodate the addition of a new block after an update. Keep the design from moving or shifting while the element loads.

Provides a Great User Experience 

The best aspect of any website is, without a doubt, its usability. After all, users and visitors are the reason for the website’s existence. There is nothing more to ask for if the UI is intuitive for them. 

Consequently, there are a few things that the designer should consider:

  • The website needs sections and categories to accommodate different contents. It will make the website catchy to the public.
  • Additionally, the layout should guarantee that the browser is always available at the top. Users, at a glance, get the information they need.
  • There should be appropriate space in the content. The usage of white space improves the content’s legibility. Moreover, it facilitates the audience’s ability to interpret and grasp the information presented.
  • A logical flow of information should also be present.

Enhances Accessibility 

Another way how web design impacts content marketing is how it enhances the accessibility for the users. 

A person can utilize and browse your website with ease if it has a superb web design. Even the best-crafted information is pointless if your intended audience cannot access or find them. Your visitors can access the pages they need using an intuitive web design instead of using their mental resources.

A corporate website should provide its customers with the information they require promptly. It is a waste of their time to make them browse through pages. They will only spend time browsing relevant stuff. Instead, they’ll probably leave and get what they need on a rival website.

These components should be visible on your website:

Consider how the user will feel. Will the new users be able to find their way to the website? Do they get desired information for what they land on a random page? Do they have any directional breadcrumbs on your website?

Consider novel approaches to the layout and style of your website. It will help you to access the interests of your intended audience. Place yourself on one of them and examine the user interface of your website from their point of view.

Conclusion – How Web Design Impacts Content Marketing

In essence, the importance of content marketing and site designs are the same. Businesses are now embracing internet marketing to a large extent, and it’s not the only marketing term you should know. Still, it would be best if you did everything in your capacity to align your marketing with your business goals. . User expectations have increased along with technology and tool development. 

Changes to your website’s design will significantly impact your content marketing initiatives. A website should be content-friendly and accessible from both desktop and mobile devices.

Web design and content marketing are closely related. You want users to feel at home because they are entering your home. Therefore it’s in your best interest to meet and surpass user demands now that you know how web design impacts content marketing. 

The Best B2B Marketing Strategy For 2021

The previous year came with an unprecedented change that businesses all around the world never prepared for. Marketing approaches known to yield massive results were almost upended, overnight, forcing businesses to seek a better alternative when it comes to marketing their goods and services.

What Is B2B Marketing?

It is a type of relationship involving two businesses, known as business-to-business marketing. In a case where a company delivers goods or services to another company or organization, they are considered B2B businesses. In other words, B2B marketing refers to the practices or strategies used to sell to other businesses.

B2B Marketing Strategies

There are tons of marketing strategies that you can implore to scale your business. Thanks to the internet, reaching your target persona has become easier than ever before. Here are a few of the B2B Marketing strategies for 2021.

  1. Social Media

Whether you believe it or not, the fact remains that social media is the core of the internet, unifying the world like never before. When it comes to the ideal social platform for B2B marketing, LinkedIn happens to be the best bet.

Through Linkedin, you can run campaigns that target specific businesses that might be interested in your product or services. Platforms like Linkedin offers you tools that make targeting your target seamless.

  1. B2B influencer marketing

Businesses are more likely to buy from a familiar face, compared to traditional ads littered around cyberspace. Influencer marketing involves using influencers to grow your brand’s awareness.

It is best to work with an influencer in your niche, whom your target businesses resonate with. These influencers can be industry leaders, thought leaders, popular employee advocates, recognized analytics, and renowned figures in your industry.

  1. Email Marketing

Many businesses are dorsal when it comes to utilizing email marketing to increase conversion. Email marketing is not dead, especially when you implore the right tactics. According to Adobe, people spend a whopping four hours every day checking their emails. How many times have you checked your email today? Exactly the point.

  1. Referral Program

What if you give your current customers an incentive to refer others to your website or landing page? Referral marketing is an ancient marketing strategy that has proven potent even to this day. People are likely to take action on a recommendation from a friend, family, or a colleague at work.

  1. Search Engine Optimization

If you must scale your business into an enviable height, you need to uncover how to stay on top of Google. In case you aren’t aware, Google is the giant of the internet, and free organic traffic is something you should not overlook.

This entails adhering to some practices that improve your ranking on Google SERP, such as on-page optimization, and off-page practices such as backlinks, and social signals.

If you run a B2B business and you’re uncertain how to pursue marketing, take a breath, and call us on (718) 273-3070, or perhaps fill our contact form.

What does Conversion Rate Optimization Mean for Marketers in 2019?

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) has developed into its own specialty field in digital marketing that is growing rapidly. The field of CRO deals with increasing the amount of web traffic a site gets into buying customers. As you can imagine, this field is of critical interest to retail website owners and its influence on marketing programs continues to grow.

Talking To An Audience

Website owners are constantly looking for more effective ways to convert web traffic into buying customers because this cuts down on the cost of selling. A CRO expert understands what makes users go from browsing to buying, and this means that more CRO experts are working with digital marketing experts to improve the overall customer experience. With the data generated by CRO experts, marketing professionals can determine more effective ways to find new target audiences, communicate with those audiences, and develop more powerful marketing messages.

Simplifying The Process

A CRO expert considers everything that attracts and repels potential buyers when developing their ideas. It has been proven over and over again that a streamlined purchasing process is one thing that keeps consumers coming back to a website. But before the emergence of CRO experts, digital marketing professionals were never really sure what buyers wanted. With the help of CRO, marketers now have a better understanding of how buyers want the purchasing process simplified.

Don’t Forget The Desktop

Since CRO is relatively new, most people assume it only deals with the emerging industry of mobile computing. But any good CRO expert will tell you that consumers want a unified experience with desktop and mobile websites, and consumers want both kinds of websites to be as easy as possible to use. The idea that the desktop is going away is not accurate, and CRO experts are constantly reminding marketers to keep an eye on desktop development.

Maximize Mobile Options

One of the aspects of mobile computing that CRO experts constantly talk about is the lack of modern tools being used in developing mobile websites. Geolocation and the click-to-call marketing tactics are not used as widely as they could be, and that is not making users happy. There are some forms of marketing that users want to see on mobile websites, and CRO experts are trying to educate marketers on what those new tools may be.

The Regional Framework

When a portion of digital marketing spins off into its own field, such as CRO, the detailed manner in which that field is analyzed becomes more intense. Lately, CRO experts have discovered that regional limitations such as laws regarding online retail sales, international shipping issues, and maintaining inventory for customers all over the world is hurting CRO as much as anything else. Websites need to be aware of where their target audiences are located and develop strategies that address regional challenges.

The field of CRO will only grow in 2019, which is good news for digital marketing experts. The more information marketers have regarding consumer trends, the easier it gets for those marketers to develop effective marketing programs.

How to Get Clients by Growing Your Business Network

For any business, word-of-mouth advertising is extremely powerful for bringing in new clients. There are plenty of ways to pay for word-of-mouth advertising and paying for it is just as effective as growing your own network. But an organically grown network is going to give you a more hands-on approach to growing your business through the power of referrals.

Creating a Business Network

A business network is simply a collection of people you meet in your daily travels that are interested in growing their business and helping you to grow yours. Your business network will consist of anyone you meet because you never want to limit your range of influence to just one industry. To create a business network, you carry business cards wherever you go and swap cards with people as you meet them. You keep their contact information and use that contact information when the opportunity is right.

Using Your Business Network

As you are talking to someone you just met, they might mention to you that they need a plumber to fix a problem they have in their home. You give them the contact information of one of the plumbers you have in your business network and strongly recommend that your new contact call your plumber. You should also make sure that your new contact mentions to your plumber that you said to call. Over time, these referrals create a constantly-growing network of business contacts that will help grow your business.

Online Business Networks

Creating business networks online is just as powerful as the networks made up of contacts you meet face-to-face. Social media is an excellent place to start building your networks because of all of the groups and communities each network has available. You should also look into professional organizations that have online message boards and other ways to network with people online. As you grow your online network, you would utilize it the same way you would use your business card network.

Mixing Networks

At some point, you will want to find the social media profiles of your business card contacts so you can connect with them online. But it is important to keep your business card and online networks separate to prevent you from making incorrect referrals. For example, a local small business owner you meet would probably benefit better from the local accountant you know instead of the one you know several states over.

Business networks are essential to any growing organization. It is important to constantly connect with people you can refer to others to help enhance your credibility and, eventually, grow your own business as well. The larger your networks and the more active you are with them, the more you will consistently add to your customer base and improve your overall revenue.

Online Marketing vs. Offline Advertising

Online marketing has become very popular around the world and many companies wonder if they even need to do offline print advertising anymore. The comparison between online and offline marketing has several facets to it with cost being only one. In order to get the full benefit of your marketing dollar, you must be prepared to spend a few extra dollars on targeted print advertising. A robust digital marketing plan should, in all instances, also include offline advertising programs.


No matter how you try to compare them, digital marketing costs are always going to be less than print. One of the big advantages of digital marketing is that there are so many ways to track the effectiveness of your results that calculating return on investment becomes much easier. But before you bury offline advertising for good, remember that print collateral often lingers for months longer than digital. A full-page ad in a magazine could still be getting read on an airplane or a doctor’s office months after it was printed, where most digital content has a solid deadline where it no longer exists.


Offline print advertising is accessible to almost anyone. A billboard can be seen by thousands of people who might not own a computer, while an online banner is only seen by computer users. There are millions of computer and smartphone users all over the world who are capable of seeing digital advertising, but there is not a lot of room for the kind of random exposure print offers. A digital ad is usually placed on a user’s computer or smartphone based on their past purchases. But a newspaper or magazine can still put that random ad in front of a consumer that could spark an interest that was never there before.

Working Hand-In-Hand

The truth is that offline and online marketing need to work hand-in-hand if you are going to have a successful campaign. In some demographic groups, such as people over the age of 40, print advertising is a way to add an air of legitimacy to online advertising. Contrary to popular belief, younger audiences also read print advertising and when done properly, print can add a great deal of power to digital marketing.

The key to a successful marketing campaign is to understand your audience and use the right mixture of online and offline advertising. Every demographic group has its own preference when it comes to offline marketing, and you need to exploit those preferences if you want to get your message out to the widest possible audience.

When it comes to brand building, the goal with your marketing is to find the largest audience possible. Offline advertising fills in gaps online advertising leaves behind and creates a more comprehensive marketing plan. If you want your marketing to be a success, then it consistently needs to be some mix of online and offline marketing.

Quant Marketing Goes Mainstream

Quantitative marketing (quant marketing) has been around for a very long time. Most people have been approached by a marketing associate holding a clipboard looking to ask questions about a company or product. This is quant marketing, but it had almost vanished when big data was introduced to the marketing world. It was thought that big data, which includes social media information, would be all companies would need for market research.

Recently, marketing experts have realized that big data gives a lot of good information, but it does not give a complete picture. It is still necessary to go out and talk to the customers, which means that quant marketing is going to get pushed back into the mainstream as marketing companies strive to learn everything they can about consumer tendencies.

What Is Big Data Lacking?

Big data can use social media and other consumer indicators to tell trends from the past, but it cannot predict how consumers will react in the future to any accuracy. For example, if a customer had a very good experience at a store recently, then the customer might decide to visit that store more frequently. The only way to get that information is to ask consumers directly. Quant marketing uses a lot of closed-end questions (questions with definite answers) to get important marketing data.

How Will Quant Marketing Be Done?

While technology continues to march forward, quant marketing is going to be done the same way it has always been done. There are three methods to collecting quant marketing data:

Big Data And Quant Marketing

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, so it is almost impossible to say if there will ever be the definitive way for collecting data. But now that quant marketing is making its way back into mainstream marketing tactics, it is safe to say that most complete marketing campaigns in the future will include a combination of the two. Big data is excellent for collecting data that tracks past consumer trends and quant marketing is a more accurate way to forecast future consumer trends.

Many digital marketing experts felt that the emergence of big data meant that marketing associates with clipboards talking to consumers in department stores would be a thing of the past. But as we are finding out, the tried and true tactics of quant marketing are proving to be an effective compliment to anything that is being done with big data.

Visualization Is More Important Than Ever

Data visualization has been around for a long time, but it was usually something reserved for marketing executives, IT directors, or accountants. It was expensive to create reports that helped put data into a context that each person could understand. As the era of big data continues to grow, the need for more people to access that data increases. This growing need to distribute data has helped to spearhead a data visualization movement that is creating an increasing number of tools that anyone can use.

What Is Data Visualization?

Data visualization is getting data put into a form that allows anyone to understand its effects. When data users start asking questions pertaining to data, the answers can be represented in the form of a pie chart, infographic, or anything that would make it easier to understand the real effects the data is predicting. It is also easier to compare data side-by-side when using visualization.

How Do You Visualize Data?

There are thousands of computer programs available that allow data collectors, such as IT directors, to present data in a form that marketing associates can understand. Instead of complex data comparison reports, this data is presented in a visual form that makes it easier to understand and utilize.

Why Do We Need Data Visualization?

In digital marketing, large portions of marketing plans are dedicated to solving problems and creating a larger market share. For example, a marketing professional working on a marketing plan might wonder how the sales projections would change if the product were presented in red instead of blue.

Thanks to big data, there is plenty of market research data available that can easily answer that question. The problem is that presenting that data as a comparison that would alter a marketing plan can be complicated. Visualization puts the data comparisons into bar graphs or pie charts that are easy to read and allow the marketing associate to immediately quantify the information.

Other Uses For Visualization

Visualization is also a very powerful tool when it comes to present milestone data for marketing plans that are in effect. Instead of pouring over spreadsheets of data, a room of marketing professionals can compare visualized data and immediately determine how a program needs to be altered to be effective.

Data visualization also makes it easier to compare historical data to future data projections. Since visualization helps to speed up the analysis portion of a marketing project, it can save a company money and allow changes to be made at a faster pace.

The more that marketing companies rely on big data, the more they will need data visualization. The act of presenting data on spreadsheets with multiple columns to a room full of people with varying levels of statistical abilities can often lead to confusion and frustration. But with data visualization, the ever-expanding amount of data that is available can now be put into formats that everyone will be able to understand.