5 Things Your Website Needs
By Tom&Co.
5 Things Your Website Needs

We talk a lot about creating robust websites, developing a mobile app for your site and utilizing the latest traffic-grabbing techniques to grow your site. But one of the details we have left out is a discussion about the very basic elements that every website needs, yet many websites do not have.

Some of the basic elements of a website are used by visitors all the time, yet we notice that may amateur website developers leave them out. Then there are the elements that do not get used constantly, but are sorely missed when they are left out. When we design your website, we include every element that your traffic is looking for, which is why our websites tend to draw so much repeat traffic and help establish a revenue base for your company.


One of the fastest and easiest ways to build trust on your website is with your happy customers tooting your horn for you. You may already have great reviews on yelp and google that you can use on your website.

A Search Function

Business professionals who own websites that do not sell product often make the mistake of thinking that they do not need a website search function. The key to a successful website is planning for every possible contingency, whether you feel those contingencies are critical or not.

Including a search function on your website is one of those things that you may not think of ever needing, but there is a decent percentage of your traffic that bounces from your site because you do not give them the option of search directly for what the content they need. When you take the time to include all of the important elements to your website, then you will start to see a lot more repeat traffic.

A Site Map

We put site maps on the websites we design because site maps are essential to getting a website cataloged properly by the search engines. But we have also found that site maps get used a lot by visitors and including site maps on websites has become an essential element for us. We also make sure to put the link to the site map in an spot where it is easy to see so that users can access the map whenever they need it.

The Contact Page

When a potential customer wants to contact your company, they may want to call you or email you. That is why putting only a “contact us” link on your site that allows people to send you an email is insufficient for your corporate needs.

If you want your website to look professional, then you need a full contact page that includes a form to fill out to send an email, the company phone number and the company’s physical address. This gives users all of the information they need and shows that you want people to contact your organization.

A Company History Page

We will always believe that people do business with people and not companies. That is why we insist that our customers include a company history page on their website. A company history page is a chance for people to learn a little about your organization and it is also a chance for you to show how your company was founded on the principles of delivering the best quality products and services in the industry.

You may think that your website is complete, but it probably is not. Contact one of our marketing experts today and we will give you a full Internet presence that includes a comprehensive website and a social media management plan that will drive traffic as well.

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