Five Reasons Why Your Website Is Failing Miserably
By Tom&Co.
Five Reasons Why Your Website Is Failing Miserably

When you start a business website, you naturally hope that your website starts to generate revenue and adds as an enhancement to your primary revenue streams. If your website is the primary way you do business, then web traffic becomes extremely critical to your success.

Despite the importance of your website and all of the effort you put into it, you are still not getting the kind of traffic you need. We can give you five good reasons why your website is failing miserably and we offer the solutions to those problems as well.

1. You Are Trying To Do It On Your Own

If you owned a brick and mortar store, would you build the storefront on your own, or would you hire professional builders? If you want a storefront that lures foot traffic into your store, then you hire a professional to build it for you.

The same principle applies to your website and its maintenance. When you try to build and maintain your own website, you are not getting the professional results you need to bring in traffic. When you allow a professional organization such as ours to build and maintain your website, then you will have something that will attract customers.

2. Your Site Is Dormant

How often do you add new content to your website? If you want to bring in a steady flow of new clients, then you need to add new content to your website every single day. Whether it is a slew of new products or an engaging new blog post, you need to give people a reason to visit your site and spend their money.

3. Your Coding Is Sloppy

Sloppy website coding will cause your website to take longer to load and it will also steer the various search engines away from your site. Our staff of Internet professionals will make sure that your coding is always clean, which will keep the traffic flowing and put your website in a position to be ranked higher in the search engine results.

4. Your Website Is Boring

Creating an exciting website is definitely a job for professionals. Bright colors and animated graphics are not what make a website exciting to users. You need a site that offers the things that your users want in ways that are interesting to them. If you sell products, then put your pricing promotions on the front page to entice people to enter your site. There are many ways to make a website exciting and our experts know them all.

5. You Don’t Do The Right Marketing

As a company of marketing experts, we pride ourselves in knowing how to get exposure for your website. Doing the right kind of marketing is much different than doing a lot of marketing. You can pay for ads on your own and spend all day on Facebook, but that is not going to bring you traffic. You need to find people who are interested in what your site has to offer and then get your message directly to those people. That is what our team of experts is extremely good at.

Let us show you how a successful website looks and works. Gives us a call and we will make the changes to your site that will bring you the success you are looking for.

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