Four Ways To Improve Your Company Blog
By Tom&Co.
Company Blog

Your company blog should be a magnet that attracts new traffic to your website and helps to expand your business. The most important rule about maintaining a blog that acts as an important part of your online marketing efforts is to add new and relevant content each and every day. But there are other guidelines your content should be following that will allow it to be more effective and increase your website’s exposure.

Include Pictures

You can find websites that will offer you royalty-free images you can use on your blog as long as you include proper citation, and that will go a long way towards increasing traffic. But you can save yourself a lot of headaches if you take your own pictures and use those on your blog instead.

Invest in a good digital camera that is easy to use and that can be utilized by your marketing department. You can either take pictures as you need them, or develop a library of pertinent images that can be used whenever you need them. Colorful and relevant images will get people interested in your content and bring you more visitors.

Start Off Each Blog With A Sentence That Grabs Attention

Did you notice that the first sentence in this post was a real attention grabber. It got you interested enough in the content that you clicked on the link to read this article. A good blog post always starts off with a powerful sentence because that is usually the sentence that winds up marketing the piece.

When you look up blog posts through Google, the first sentence of each post will normally show up in the search results. In many cases, the index page of your company blog will also feature the first sentence of each post as  a teaser to get people to read the rest of the article. That is why your first sentence needs to be powerful, to the point, and interesting.

Be Careful With Links

You will want to be careful when you include links in your blog posts. The best approach is to include links to pages inside of your own blog and maximize the exposure of your other content. If you really want to use external links, then it is best that you talk to a professional Internet marketing firm first.

Google and many of the other major search engines have changed the rules on including links in content. The links you include need to go to websites that are relevant to your content and they cannot be links you purchased. It is always best to leave linking in blogs to the professionals.

Always Pose A Question At The End

You just spent a few hundred words giving your readers information to think about. So now what? Now you give your readers a chance to start applying that information by posing a question at the end of your blog that gets the reader thinking. 

After you read enough good blog posts, you will start to understand why questions at the end of posts are so effective. You will also understand how to craft a question that will get people coming back to your blog for more vital information.

Your company blog is the link between you and your customers. If you want to make the most of your blog, then you need to learn the techniques that drive more traffic. 

What do you think you could do to make your blog more interesting for your readers?

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