4 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Marketing Agency
By Tom&Co.
4 Questions To Ask When Hiring A Marketing Agency

Hiring a marketing agency is an important and significant investment for your company. When you decide on which agency to hire, you will be establishing an intimate and long-lasting relationship that will affect the future of your organization. With this in mind, it is incredibly important to have a comprehensive process in place to make sure that you find a marketing agency that you feel comfortable with.

To get you started, here are four questions you should ask every marketing agency you are considering, and the types of answers you are looking for.

How long have you been in business?

It probably isn’t fair to judge an agency by how long it has been in business, but this is your company’s future we are talking about. But the reason you ask about the history of the agency is much different than you would think. Older agencies tend to be set in their ways and take a one-way approach to marketing, while newer agencies are more open to customer ideas. Your decision is based on which type of agency you want to work with, and which type of agency will make you feel most comfortable.

Do you understand my industry?

If a marketing agency does not understand your industry, then it will have a very difficult time communicating with your target audience. A good marketing agency knows when it is time to use industry lingo, and when it is not. A good agency also knows what lingo applies to each situation, and the agency also keeps up on vocabulary changes within your industry. When you hire a marketing company, it is important to know if that agency speaks your customers’ language or not.

Do you use templates?

Some marketing agencies try to get their process down to a series of forms and templates they fill in to generate your marketing collateral and your image. Honestly, a company that is not creative enough to think on its own is not the kind of company you want representing your corporate image.

You want a marketing agency that applies a unique approach to every customer and strives for a unique look. If you hire an agency that uses templates, then your marketing materials will look the same as every other customer that agency has ever had.

What do you think of a small budget?

Good marketing agencies are populated with innovative people who are capable of getting great results in stressful situations. If your budget is huge, then you still want to know how a prospective agency will handle a smaller budget because that will give you insight into their creative process.

A good agency will rely more on its creative abilities than expensive tools to get the job done. If you need a huge budget to get results from a marketing agency, then you probably do not want to hire that agency.

When you interview marketing agencies in an attempt to find one to hire, you can learn all you need to know by asking the right questions. It is important to have your questions ready before you talk to the agency representatives, and pay close attention to the way they answer your questions, along with the content of the answers.

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