5 Guidelines For Killer Product Videos
By Tom&Co.
Killer Product Videos

The Internet is increasingly more reliant on videos, and product videos have become mandatory for any product description for any sales site. When you start putting together your online sales site, you need to have product videos in place to help sell your products. You can make your own product videos if you just remember these five important elements.

Spend Time On The Script

You should never shoot an off-the-cuff product video because you could leave out important information. Instead, you should sit down and create a script that gives every detail as you would like to see it. You should plan out every shot and write every word of dialogue. Make sure you get what you want and leave no room for misinterpretation.

Keep It Concise

Most people will watch a three-minute video if it has information that they really want. When you start planning out your video and writing your script, be sure to keep your time constraints in mind. If the video goes too long, people could miss out on important information as they turn the video off before it ends.

Grab Them Right Away

It is not easy to make a product video compelling in the first five or 10 seconds, but that is exactly what you have to do. You can take the product’s best feature and use it as a teaser for the rest of the video to get your audience interested. A little humor in the beginning might help to engage the viewer, but be careful not to use the wrong kind of humor and turn your audience away.

Get A Good Voice Over Talent

You do not need to spend a fortune hiring an experienced voice over actor to get your videos done. There might be someone who works for your company who has the right tempo and tone in their voice that makes people want to listen. A bad voice over is going to turn people away from your video no matter how good the video may be. Spend time listening to a lot of auditions and choose the voice that has the broadest appeal.

Remember To Focus On The Benefits

Highlighting fun or cool features in your product video is only going to leave the viewer wondering how your product can help their life. Your product video needs to be a series of problem/solution situations where you use the features of the product to solve customer problems. Your audience is going to want to know what benefits the product has for them directly, and that needs to be the focus of your video.

Product videos can significantly increase website traffic and product sales, but only if they are done right. Your job with product videos is to inform and not necessarily entertain. Although a little entertaining in the beginning is going to be helpful, your overall theme needs to be educational in showing the prospect how your product can make their life easier.

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