5 Simple Steps To Destroy Your Business With Social Media
By Tom&Co.
5 Simple Steps To Destroy Your Business With Social Media

Any small business owner who is serious about growing their business using social media needs to hire us to manage their social media presence. Why? Because we are an impartial third-party with professional experience in using social media to create good web traffic. If you are trying to manage your own social media presence, then there are some pitfalls you will inevitably fall into that could destroy your business.

You’re Using The Wrong Social Media Platforms

You use Facebook for your business because Facebook is easy and you have thousands of likes for you business that you can use for marketing. Sound great, right? No, not really. Of those thousands of likes you have on your Facebook page, around six percent or less actually see anything that you post. If you want more people to see your posts, you will have to pay.

What about Twitter? Do you avoid Twitter because it seems complicated? That is why you hire us, because Twitter works for small businesses and we know how to get the most out of it. Most small business owners don’t use the right social media platforms to promote their businesses and that means that they are spending time on pointless social media endeavors instead of managing their business.

You Take Things Personally

One of you disgruntled customers goes onto social media and blasts you and your company because of a recent transaction. Your natural response is to go online and defend your honor and the reputation of your company. The reality is that all you are doing is damaging your company’s reputation for the whole world to see. As professionals, we know how to handle negative social media comments and we can turn that negative into a positive.

You Don’t Have Enough Time

You get started on a new social media platform and you spend hours creating a professional looking presence and engaging people in conversation. Then you have to get back to managing your business and forget about that new platform and those new people you were talking to.

This scenario happens all of the time with small businesses and all it does is confuse and frustrate potential new customers. You simply do not have the time necessary to maintain your social media presence and it is making your business look bad and costing you customers.

You Don’t Follow The Rules

Each social media platform has a rule about how businesses can interact with people and promote products and services. If you break those rules, then your social media page gets shut down and all of your followers on that social media platform can see that your page was shut down. No matter what you did to cause the page to get removed, it is a black eye on your company that may never go away in the minds of those followers on that social media site.

You Talk At Instead Of With People

A social media platform is an excellent opportunity for small business owners to interact directly with current customers and customer prospects. But if all you are doing on social media is putting out product promotions, then no one is going to want to bother with your page. You need to interact with people on social media if you want social media to help grow your business and we know exactly how to talk to your customers instead of at them.

Social media seems like a great way to bring in customers, but it can be devastating to your business if you do not use it properly. We are professionals and can show you just how to properly utilize social media to make your business grow.

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