How Often Should Your Business Be Posting On Social Media?
By Tom&Co.
Posting On Social Media

“How often should your business post on social media?”

It might seem like a pretty basic question, but becomes complicated when you dive into the activity. In this post, you’re going to learn how many social posts a day your business needs to improve engagement and conversion.

Since social media is part of the core of the internet, it makes sense not to overlook this medium when embarking on any marketing endeavor. Posting too often will overwhelm and repulse your followers while posting too little might not give you the needed exposure your brand needs

To hit a sweet spot, there is a need to look at a few studies to uncover the ideal number of times your business should be posting on social media. Take note that the frequency of posts varies from one social media to another since they all have what makes them distinct from each other.

How often to post on Facebook?

Facebook is inarguable the giant of social media and could be used to pull in insane traffic that translates to sales. But, how often should your business post on Facebook? Some markets may argue that two posts a day is the sweet spot, but the data tells us otherwise.

According to a study by Hubspot, brands with more than ten thousand followers saw an increase in clicks when they posted more than once a day, while brands with less than ten thousand followers received 50% fewer clicks.

However, brands that post one to five times a month saw a double increase in engagement. A logical answer when posting on Facebook is to stick to one post a day, or five posts per week for the best result.

How often to post on Twitter

When it comes to Twitter, the game changes a little bit, and the reason is this – the average lifetime of a tweet is fifteen to twenty minutes. After this time duration, your follower’s feeds are likely to get tons of other tweets from their friends or other favorite brands, pushing your sweet little tweet down into oblivion.

The trick when it comes to Twitter is posting periodically throughout the day. Moderation is key, cause overwhelming your followers with tons of tweets might even cause them to unfollow you. A sweet spot as long as Twitter is concerned is three to five tweets a day.

How often to post on Instagram and LinkedIn

Instagram is another different ball game and can be somewhat intimidating for brands since it’s visually centric. What determines how often you post on Instagram is your audience size and expectation.

Some brands only post an average of 1.5 times a day. Neil Patel, however, believes that the key to Instagram engagement is consistency. LinkedIn, on the other hand, performs best at one post every business day.

To know more, or perhaps work with an expert on social media marketing of any sort, give us a call, or fill our contact form to begin.

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