How Online Reviews Can Help Boost Business & How To Get More
By Tom&Co.
Online Reviews

Google reviews are becoming an essential part of marketing for small businesses. Why are they so important?

Here are some of the effects that Google reviews can have on your business

  • Your rankings in local search results on Google (ie: Staten Island
  • Which search results show on Google maps (and get clicked on)
  • Whether or not to do business with you

How do you get more reviews?

  • Ask! The best way this works if if you make it a part of the sales process. You want to ask customers to leave a review right after they have been delighted by your service/product
  • Develop a marketing campaign to get more reviews. This could be online (social media, email) or offline with print (postcards, newsletters)

What to do about negative reviews

Respond. Sometimes a negative review can be more powerful than a positive one. When you have a negative review and you respond to that person it shows the world that you are on top of your business and that if something goes wrong you will be there to address it and make things right. Once you get the bad review its not so much about that one situation anymore its about showing the world how you deal with a negative situation

Tips for dealing with a negative or fake review:

  • Respond quickly
  • Flag or dispute fake reviews
  • Rectify the situation

Google Reviews Just got A lot Easier

Google has gotten so used to dominating the Internet that it has insisted for years that Google+ was the next great social media platform. There is nothing inherently wrong with Google+, but it simply has not caught on with the public in general. There are several niche audiences that utilize Google+ quite a bit, but most people have no idea what Google+ is or how to use it. Most Gmail users don’t even realize that they get a Google+ account when they sign up for Gmail. That is a good indication of how unpopular Google+ has become. Since most people have no idea what Google+ is, that meant that Google was diluting the importance of its local business review function by not getting nearly the amount of traffic it should be getting. After years of business owners begging for a solution, Google has finally come up with an answer to the Google reviews issue.

Influencing Customers To Get Positive Reviews For Your Business

If your business does not currently encourage customers to leave reviews on the major review sites or even post reviews on your own company website, then you are missing out on a lot of business. It is estimated that nearly 90 percent of all consumers consider online reviews to be a reliable source of information for making a buying decision. For many people, online reviews act like word of mouth and are considered inside information from someone they trust.

Considering how much online reviews have on consumer buying decisions, it makes sense that you want to gain as many positive reviews as possible to help bring in more business. Getting customers to give you positive reviews is not difficult, but it does require your organization to have a focus on customer service it may have never had before.

How You Should Be Handling Negative Reviews Of Your Business

Every person and company makes mistakes, but companies are always held over the fire for every mistake they make. As a business owner, it can feel like a single negative review about your business or product is the end of the world, but that is never the case. The degree to which negative reviews damage your business depends solely on how you react, and what you do to directly solve the problem


How Important Are Google Reviews

Google is always trying to evolve into the ultimate online service for anything that users would ever need and that includes honest reviews for businesses. Google reviews have been around for several years and they are one of the best kept secrets in the Internet marketing world.

Google reviews are business reviews submitted by real customers about real businesses. Customers can apply one to five stars to indicate the quality of service and a composite score for those reviews appears whenever the business’ profile shows up in local search results. With Google reviews, Google has developed what it feels is the ultimate review system.

How To Grow Your Social Media Following ASAP

Your social media platforms are only powerful marketing tools if people are interacting with them. If you don’t have a lot of followers, then your messages will not be seen. You could solve this problem by buying followers from marketing companies, but those are usually ghost accounts that have no activity. Instead of investing in fake accounts to help your floundering social media presence, there are ways you can grow your social media following quickly with real people who are interested in your company.

Why Are Leading Brands Investing In Live Events ?

Have you ever wondered why you see so many more large brands at the live events you attend? From concerts to sporting events, the biggest brands in the world are buying more and more marketing space to reach audiences. Sometimes the matches don’t quite make sense; like when a car insurance company sponsors a race car. That is not exactly the best way to promote safe driving. But there is a broad-reaching reason why these brands are spending billions on live events, and you might find that reason very interesting.

How The Pros Maximize Digital Marketing

When a digital marketing professional analyzes a situation and puts together a plan, they look at the entire process much differently than people who are not as experienced. While it takes years to become an accomplished digital marketing professional, it never hurts for website owners to learn some of the very basics the pros use to get the most out of every digital marketing campaign.

Improving Your Local SEO

If you are still investing money in yellow pages print advertising and display ads in the newspaper without doing as much as you can to improve your local online advertising, then you are missing out on the huge number of local customers who use the Internet to find the businesses they want to patronize. Improving your local SEO means enhancing your website to meet your local marketing needs, and utilizing the growing number of tools that are available to help expose your business to a larger local audience.

5 Platforms To Digitally List Your Local Business

Your local customers are using the Internet to find what they are looking for, and you are missing out on a lot of business if you do not take advantage of the digital advertising outlets available. There are plenty of ways your business can reach local customers and be seen in the search results for people outside your local area who are looking for businesses in your city.

The Consumer Review Fairness Act

People who use the Internet without ill intent have become addicted to online reviews. Every marketing expert knows that word-of-mouth is the most effective type of advertising a company can get, and online reviews are treated like word-of-mouth by a large majority of Internet users. It is estimated that 84 percent of all online consumers trust online reviews and use them as part of their decision making process. As more companies catch on to the importance of online reviews, there has been a growing trend of companies abusing the Internet to get positive reviews those companies do not deserve.

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