Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Performing
By Tom&Co.
Website Isn’t Performing

You have tried everything you can think of and a bunch of things you read about to get your website to produce web traffic, but nothing is working. Your traffic conversion rates are terrible and your daily number of visitors is well below expectations. You need your website to generate revenue, and there are some very good reasons why it is not performing as you had hoped.

You Need A Digital Marketing Firm

In order for your website to meet your production goals, there is a long list of details that have to be attended to on a daily basis. If you are trying to attend to those details on your own, then that is one of the reasons your website is failing. You need to invest in the services of a professional digital marketing company if you want your website to bring the best possible results.

Following Old Rules

Since 2012, Google has changed its algorithms which changes the way in which your website needs to be programmed. If you are still using keyword strategies from 2000, then that is part of the reason why your website is failing. If your website is not utilizing any of the new methods for generating traffic, then that is another reason that your website is not performing up to par. When Google makes algorithm changes, it expects websites to be updated and follow suit.

Google Penalties

In your zest to get your content appearing in certain types of searches, you decided to load up your content with specific keywords. To help your cause, you went out and purchased links that are guaranteed by the company you bought them from to generate traffic. Unfortunately, those two actions are two of the most common reasons that websites get Google penalties. If your website is currently under a Google penalty, no one will see it in any search results. You need to contact Google to find out if your website is in a penalty and then hire a professional marketing team to get you out.

Your Links Don’t Work

Every once in a while, Google and the other search engines will randomly scan your website to see if your internal and external links work. If those links do not work, then your website is knocked down a few levels in the search engine results. There is software you can buy that will quickly scan your website and alert you to broken links, and it is software you should be using every week.

You Have No Site Map

One of the quickest ways to boost the SEO power of your website is to add a good site map for users to utilize. At the same time, a quick way to have your website drop in the search results is to not have any kind of site map at all.

Your company website is one of the most important marketing tools your business will ever have. If you are not investing plenty of resources into making your website as effective as possible, then you are not doing everything you can to grow your business.

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