Social Media Tips for Beginners
By Tom&Co.
Social Media Tips for Beginners

Every day thousands of people join social media platforms, and many are doing so for the first time in their lives. Social media can be addicting in that it allows you to have discussions with people all over the world. But if your intentions with social media are purely business, then here are some tips you can use to get off to a good start.

Choose a Business Profile

Some social media platforms offer different profile types for businesses, groups, and individuals. In some cases, you have to start with a personal profile and then create your own business page. If you are using social media for your business, then go ahead and start a business profile to take advantage of all of the business-friendly features these types of profiles offer.

Create a Comprehensive Account

The simple way to say this is to tell you to fill in every blank in your social media business profile, and put pictures where the platform tells you to. There is nothing more frustrating to social media users than an incomplete business profile, and you do not want your first impression on social media to be negative.

Reach Out to Groups

One of the most effective ways to start building your social media audience is to join groups on each platform that share your interests. If you sell sporting goods, then join sports discussion groups and become involved in only positive conversations. Avoid promoting your business while getting into group discussions because that will turn people off. All you need to do is make some insightful and positive comments on the posts in the groups, and you will get plenty of people to follow your social media account.

Interact with Social Media Every Day

Some people set aside an hour each day to be on social media, while others are on constantly as they sit at their computers and work. Whatever your preference, it is important to interact with social media seven days a week. If you can do it, you should also try to spend just a couple of minutes on social media during holidays as well.

Carefully Monitor Your Content

Within your social media settings, you should make it so that the posts submitted by your audience have to be approved by you before they can be seen. Each day you should monitor your social media posts to address any complaints, and to ban trouble makers. You should allow negative feedback from customers to be seen on your social media pages, but you should also address that negative feedback and show everyone who sees your social media page that you take care of customer concerns.

Post Pictures

Many companies use their social media accounts to post pictures of their employees, corporate parties, and pictures from satisfied customers. Pictures and videos are extremely powerful forms of communication on social media, and you should be using them to your advantage.

If you want to maximize your company’s social media presence, then you should hire a professional social media manager through a digital marketing company. But if you are just interested in getting your feet wet, then remember that social media can be as damaging as it can be helpful. Always be positive on social media, and never give detractors a chance to ruin your company’s reputation.

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