Tips For Personalizing Your Email
By Tom&Co.
Personalizing Your Email

Email marketing is an effective way to get a lot of information to your audience in a format they are familiar with. The problem is that predictable marketing emails that have earmarks such as an overly formal subject line are getting ignored. One way to increase the interaction you have with your audience is to find ways to personalize your emails without making it look patronizing. There are plenty of ways to do this, and they can all be very effective at increasing your email success rates.

Include Their Name

If you include your recipient’s name in the subject line and a couple of times in the content, then you are going to pique their interest and get more emails read. Once again, this move can seem patronizing if you put the name in too often. But it can be extremely effective if done in moderation.

Include Other Personal Information

The point of personalizing emails is not necessarily to make the reader believe that you sat down and wrote the email. In most cases, your readers are going to assume that they are getting some sort of marketing email piece. But if you include more than just their name, then you will make them feel more engaged with the content.

For example, setting up your email template so it includes mentions of the recipient’s company, the street the office is on, and maybe a personal bit that can be applied to every recipient would help add more appeal to your emails.

Diversify Templates Based On Funnel Position

One mistake most companies make is sending out the same message to every prospect or customer. A prospect who you have had several conversations with and is higher up in your funnel is not going to be affected by an email designed for people who are new to your company. You need to have a different template for each level of your funnel and engage prospects in a manner that will get them interested in what you have to say.

Try Local Images

If your marketing piece lends to the idea of using local images, then that can help to engage your audience further. For example, emails sent to Buffalo prospects would get a Buffalo-related picture while the same content sent to Boston prospects would get a Boston-related image. A visual tag that your prospects will recognize can help to increase the likelihood that they will read your content.

Try A Variety Of Calls To Action

When you create different templates for different positions in your sales funnel, then you are adding strength to your content. But you can also change up the calls for action in all of your templates and find out which types of calls are more effective. You should always be experimenting with your emails to see what type of content is most effective, and changing up calls to action is a good idea.

Email marketing is effective when you take the time to try and make a connection with your audience. Personalizing emails is one of the more effective ways to get your audience interested in your emails and increasing the rate at which your emails get read.

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