5 Things Every Good Website Has
By Tom&Co.

Your company website is one of your most important marketing tools, which is why it is important to invest in a digital marketing expert or a website design agency to design and maintain your site for you. If you spend enough time comparing the websites of your competition and sites outside of your industry, you will start to notice that good websites have a few qualities in common. While you don’t want your website to look like everyone else’s, you do want to have a site that brings in traffic and has the basic features it needs to be successful.

A Site Map

A site map serves two important purposes for your website. It acts as an easy way for your traffic to find the exact page they are looking for, and it helps search engines to catalog your site easier. This entices search engines to move your website higher up on the search result pages for primary keywords in your industry.

A Fast Loading Front Page

Time is money and every fraction of a second your traffic has to wait for your website to load increases the possibility that your traffic will bounce to another website. While it is important that every page on your site load quickly, it is critically important that your front page load as quickly as possible. Internet users will not wait very long for your front page to load, and you could be losing valuable traffic if your front page is loaded with programs that slow it down.

A Simple Navigation System

Every web designer uses the old adage that it should only take a visitor three clicks to find the page they are looking for. In most cases, your traffic will leave your website if it takes more than three clicks to find the primary pages on your site. Users will often give a pass to archived information or special information that is not expected to be easy to find. But all of your primary company, product, and customer service information should have an effective and easy navigation system. Being a business owner its important that you know why web design matters for good customer experience and for driving business revenue.

Easily Accessible Contact Information

Since your website is a marketing tool, it needs to supply your web traffic with basic information as quickly as possible. That is why just about every website you see has the company email address, phone number, and even physical address prominently displayed on the front page. Even though every website has a separate page for contact information, that very same information will still be easy for users to see the moment they access your website.

Standard Fonts

It can be very tempting to try and put fancy fonts on various parts of your website, but that also defeats the purpose of having the site in the first place. All of your information needs to be easily accessible to your audience and easy to read. Using special fonts could not only cause problems when your site tries to load, but it can also make it difficult for your audience to understand all of your important information.

A good website utilizes the tried and proven methods that have helped other websites to find success. There are plenty of ways to make your website stand out from the competition, but you want to avoid trying to alter the core principles of good website design that bring you web traffic in the first place.

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